Tips and Tricks to Play Better in Piano Tiles 2
You must have heard of the popular android game ‘Piano Tiles’.
Well, the Piano Tiles 2 is a sequel to the original Piano Tiles.
As you have figured out from the name of the game, it is a music based game. What else can be more entertaining!
The features of this game include testing your ability to compete with other players from every part of the world in the multiplayer mode. You can share your performance. Also, you are free to take advantage of new mechanics in game play.
You tap on the key and create new music! In short, you create magic!
Your task is to win over each level and unlock more songs.
Sometimes, it gets really difficult to do that. But discovering new songs are not impossible.
How to make unlocking songs easy?
It is not as difficult as you are thinking to be. Here are some easy tips and tricks that you can adopt to unlock all the songs and be the winner.
Let’s start.
1. Gain experience level
Most of the available songs in Piano Tiles 2 can be attained after you have reached to a certain level of experience.
Go to the main menu and check all the songs that are available. See which ones are unlocked and which ones yet need to be unlocked.
Besides, at the end of each song title, you will find the experience that you need to achieve that song.
If you are in the race of unlocking the contents, keep a track of this list of songs.
2. Earn experience points
To gain experience levels, you have to gain experience points.
This is the only formula that you must follow!
When you are playing for experience why not go ahead and cross levels one after another!
This can be done by playing songs that has not been played previously. For this you need to beat the levels. You can play old songs as well for gaining points.
A simple trick is to consider playing easy music so that you can beat the levels easily.
The more you go toward the Endless Mode, the more points you will earn.
3. Watch ad videos to gain points
You will probably wonder why I am asking you to watch ads.
This is only to make you earn enough coins as well as unlock songs.
There are some songs that can be unlocked only by paying diamonds. Watching ads make you earn coins.
Secondly, if can connect the game to your Facebook account. That will yield you more ten diamonds at a time.
Many times you will find there are no ads. Wait for a couple of hours.
4. What can be done with the 100 diamonds?
The game permits you to pay diamonds and earn coins in exchange.
You will be surprised to know that one diamond will yield you 100 coins. Therefore, if you can pay 100 diamonds, you can get 12,999 coins.
So, if you have to unlock the most popular song ‘Flight of the Bumblebee’, catch this trick.
5. Use Mod Apk
Well here is last option for you and probably the easiest too. All you have to do is to install Piano Tiles 2 Mod Apk in your Android phone. You can download it from any trusted site like Techylist.
Now, some general rules.
Learn to use two fingers while playing
Generally, beginners use only one finger to play. Actually, at the initial level, it becomes very difficult for them to manage the game with two fingers.
The best thing you can do is to use two fingers as follows:
- Index finger
- Thumb
Divide the whole board into two sets. Now allocate each finger for each set. This is the best thing that you could do to improve in this piano game!
Practice with the slower paced modes
For the beginners, the modes Classic and Zen are the best.
The modes are slow. You do not have to run behind an increasing speed. Instead, you have to find out and set your own rhythm.
If you have to reach to the difficult mode, first you have to start with the easy levels.
Therefore, you have to be very easy on the initial levels. Make sure that you play them often so that you can focus better on Arcade and Rush levels.
Change fingers
If you find that the two index finger method is not working, switch to something else.
Try to set some methods that gels well with you.
Take advantage of the rest reminder
This is a serious thing and it’s a must!
Tap on the ‘more’ button from the game’s main menu. Now set the timer for the rest reminder.
Although 5 – 6 minutes is fine, but 10 minutes are better.
A point to be remembered:
Do not forget to rest your eyes at regular intervals. Not only does it provide cure your health, but also brings you back with full force
During your resting time, make sure that you calm down and regain your focus to the game.
Do not try to beat the top score on the leader board
Keep in mind that the top players with magnificent scores are not original ones. They have hacked the game. Hence, their score is not real.
It is obvious that you cannot beat that score.
Instead, focus on beating the scores that look real!
Ignoring those high scores is the best option. Set a target on your own and try to beat it.
Become a master of one level only
Arcade, Rush and Relay are the modes that are most challenging.
Accept the fact that reaching those levels over night is next to impossible. So, it’s useless trying on these modes.
What you can do is master the art of playing in one of these modes successfully.
Keep practicing, and practicing and practicing.
Practice makes a man perfect!
Remove screen protection if you have any
When playing the Piano Tiles, remember that your device needs the maximum sensitivity. Each atp on the screen should be felt.
Tapping on one tile and noticing the result on another is a complete trash!
So, do not forget to take off the screen protection.
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