Ways to improve vaping juice flavours
Many long-time vapers find that they do not enjoy the same flavour and satisfaction from e-liquids like when they initially began vaping. Some of the ways by which you could enhance the flavours of e-liquids get a mention below.
Taste is a sensory factor that is subject to our emotional state and lifestyle we lead. If we are in a relaxed state of mind, taste and flavours become more enjoyable. Feeling stressful or low can affect our sensory perceptions to a considerable extent. While the mentioned tips will help to enhance the flavours of e-liquids, we need to remember our state of mind also plays a role.
Type of liquids influence flavour: As a norm, the flavour of ingredients in any e-liquid range between 10-20% at most. The liquids contain VG and PG in different proportions. These two influence the taste, thickness, throat-hit and flavour. Those who enjoy a thick puff of smoke opt for high-VG juice, which they use in a sub-ohm tank. While there is plenty of vapour, the flavour diminishes. VG liquids are smooth, but lack texture and flavour. PG, on the other hand, offers richer flavours but hits the throat more. You also need to keep the nicotine content low, so as not to hurt the throat.
To get that elusive sweet spot, striking a balance is the key as it offers both vapour and flavour. Blend VG and PG juices in 50/50 proportion and you will get both vapour and flavour. Those who want increased flavour can opt for a 70:30 combination of PG and VG juices. The coil and output of the vaping device also make a difference. Only buy quality e-liquids from top online retailers like the Vapor Shop UK.
Get the right airflow: Flavour also depends on the airflow. With increased airflow, there is less vapour and more clouds, which reduces flavour. The lesser the quantity of air, the denser the vapour and it improves the flavour. However, do not reduce the airflow too much as it will make the vapour hot.
Design of the air flow: Along with the quantity of air, the airflow holes position matters. Holes beneath the coil leading to the mouthpiece improve the flavour, while those with air holes on the side are not as effective.
Wicking material of the coil: The material used in the wire and the wicking material affects juice flavour. The coil lies within the tank with the liquid and heats the liquid. The common material used in early coils was silica, with ceramic and cotton now more popular, because of their quality enhancing properties. The wire is made from a variety of materials like kanthal, titanium, nickel and stainless steel. Kanthal is the common material with a clean flavour. Among the other materials nickel offers the same clean flavour, while other types of metals leave a metallic taste.
Type of mouthpiece: Another factor that influences the flavour is the shape and size of the Vape Disposables. Vapers, who prefer bigger vapour clouds and a cooler vaping experience, use mouthpieces with a wider hole. This reduces the flavour. Those wanting more flavour will find mouthpieces with a narrow hole do make a difference in flavour.
Power settings: If you have a vaping instrument that has variable settings, simply making adjustments in the setting will change the flavour of the juice. The reason is that e-liquids vaporise at different temperatures subject to their flavours. This will bring a change in flavour at different temperature settings. The coil resistance with the temperature setting influences the speed and temperature of the coil. Increase the temperature settings starting from the bottom to the top. Buy only the finest quality e-liquids like Milkman E-liquid UK to get the best taste and flavours. As each juice has its own unique characteristic at an ideal temperature, you need to find the ideal setting through trial and error.
Your choice of juices should be compatible with the kind of coil in the tank. If you use a sub-ohm coil do not use liquids, which are thin in texture. In case of a standard coil select one that is of medium thickness. While one kind of e-liquid might work well at 30W, another may be ideal at 20W. It takes practice and experience to determine which e-liquid is best at what temperature. In case you have one of those newer vaping machines with a temperature control facility it will be ideal. It helps to regulate the temperature of the coil. The heat of the coil will influence the flavour. This is possible through experience and practice.
When you replace an e-liquid let it steep: If you add fresh e-liquid and leave it sometime in the tank it will influence the flavour. While most flavours available online and in the market are ready for instant use, the steeping process definitely helps to enhance the taste. You can refer to the process of leaving the liquid in the tank or ‘steeping’ at the Vapor Shop UK blog.
Coil: When the coil near its end cycle or gets clogged it affects the flavour of the liquid and may even leave a bitter or unpleasant taste.
Check the battery at regular intervals: As with all other devices and gadgets that operate on battery power you need to ensure the battery is adequately charged. When the battery is low it will have a negative impact on the e-liquids flavour. This happens because the juice is not heating at the right temperature for it to release its flavour. If your vaping machine’s LED indicator blinks because of less battery power, you need to charge the device or recharge it using a power source. Another point to note is that the battery output also differs between different brands of batteries. Some emit more power and this influences the flavour because of the temperature.