How to Host a Successful Slumber Night at Your Place
With leadership comes great responsibility, if you are planning to invite your friends or family at your place during vacations or over the weekend, it is your responsibility to make their stay comfy, exciting and memorable. Sleepovers, slumber parties, overnights – whatever you may call them, it has been referred famously as heaven for kids and hell for parents.
1. You Shall Not Host A Sleepover Until Your Child Is Truly Ready.
Before even planning or sharing the idea of slumber night at your place, make sure a couple of things. Your kids should be of the age where they can leave you for some time and you can enjoy some quality time with the guests and can take care of them in the best possible way. If they are toddlers or infants, chances are they won’t leave you alone unless they go to sleep – and making them asleep is also a job, fulltime yet a tough job.
2. You Shall Limit The Guest List.
Next step is, either you have toddler or infants or you do not have kids yet – try to keep the guest list short or if you have more people to invite, do that in episodes, break down the list, this is how you would be able to give them the best experience of spending time at your place. You cannot maintain quality with quantity. It is as simple as that.
3. You Shall Honor Your Guests’ Parents
If you have your friends or cousins, whose parents would be accompanying – make comfy and some extra arrangements for them. Give them a separate room or should make your movie night arrangements in the lounge so with headsets or a closed room type situation where if they want to sleep early, they can just go and relax without having to deal with all-nighter and noise of any kind. Get them food of their choice, they might not have the same taste as you.
4. You Shall Relax About the Activities
“Encourage, yet do not drive anybody to play the games and do the artworks,” recommends McGillian. “Keep plenty of books and magazines available with the goal that children who would prefer not to do the movement can even now hang out and feel good.” The best exercises permit everybody to get included — not at all like a computer game, in which just a single or two maximum could play.
Smart ideas count: baking or decorating cupcakes or making sundaes; watching interesting movies, preferably non-scary; indulging into dancing or something similar and filming it; keeping it a karaoke night; playing board games; and making posts, in the event that you have plentiful love seat pads. “I like the Love It or Hate It Game — when I was a substitute instructor, kids from kindergarten through seventh grade played around with it,” says McGillian. Frame a circle and allow each child to name something: the shoreline, broiled shrimp, and snowstorms. At that point, every individual needs to choose on the off chance that they cherish it or loathe it. “There is no center ground, so it generally influences individuals to giggle,” she says.
5. You Shall Prepare For Forgotten Toothbrushes and Emergency Situations
Expect the unforeseen: Have additional slumbering packs, covers, cushions, and toiletries quickly accessible. Gauvin says toothbrushes are overlooked the most. Keep the contact numbers of all the food points who deliver after midnight at your location. In case, someone or everyone plans to order something as a midnight snack or late night dinner for all just to please the taste buds.
6. You Shall Honor the Level Sleeping Field
Keeping the sleeping bags and the entire area which you plan to dedicate for sleeping either the living room or bedroom should be space permitting and aligned so even when two people are lying there or when everyone gets up in the morning feels equally connected. If there are kids involved, it is better to take out mattress and arrange everything nicely on the floor, it will reduce the chances of them bumping into the floor or bed and everybody would feel comfy too. By doing this, it will prevent the debate of who should sleep where; which can lead to argument hence timing saving activity for sure. That’s what pre-planning is for.
7. You Shall Make Sleep Possible
Try to keep the lights dim so the meaning of sleepover does not go lost. If you have kids or old people, anyone who is recovering from sickness or just tired can sleep without having to feel awkward. Being a guest, it comes as your responsibility to fulfill the unsaid and obvious needs and requirements of your guests too. Make the flashlights handy, even when the lights are switched off and everybody is just giggling in the bed – anybody can need to go out for whatever reason.
8. You Shall Not Be Impolite
Never announce or mention even indirectly that the slumber party finishes in the morning by xyz time or I have to go somewhere. That sounds impolite and to some, it can be rude and they might never consider planning out another sleepover at your place. Even though such plans are once in a blue moon for the majority of us due to our busy schedules, however, the intention and all the efforts put from the scratch to make their stay as exciting and memorable as possible can add a pinch of bitterness and you definitely do not want that.
9. Make Sure You Have A Decent Internet Connection
Now, this is my last yet most important tip either you are inviting someone for lunch or dinner or have a weekend planned over along with a slumber party to start with. Make sure you have a stable and reliable internet connection, not just for watching movies on Netflix or YouTubing but for smartphone’s Wi-Fi too. Also, keep such a WiFi password that can is explainable and understood easily. This will make your guest’s life easier and their stay satisfying. Just imagine, having to stay somewhere for a night or weekend without a reasonable internet connection. Your data can be insufficient or be giving a poor reception at that particular location where you are staying, you like watching videos, into constant browsing or can’t even call Uber. Just imagine. Yes, now you know the pain, put yourself in their shoes. My choice and recommendation have always been cox in San Francisco, since the day I moved into this state.
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