How Online TV Streaming Sites are Killing TV
What if I say to you stop using the Emails and go for the Traditional means of Long Distance Conversations i.e. Handwritten Letters?
You are pretty much going to run away too far away from me and you should cause emails are the Updated form of letters and are much easier to use as well as Convenient. There is no reason to use the outdated apps if the new ones are available, right?
Letters are not the only thing that is being replaced, there are a bunch of things around us that are the updated version of some old and outdated technologies and this is what we called ‘Development’.
One of these things is our loved Traditional Cable TVs which are now slowly being replaced by Online Streaming Services. Didn’t noticed this change yet?
According to Statista, during the survey (in the USA alone), 54 percent of respondents aged 18-29 stated that they use streaming more than traditional TV.
I am not saying it is completely replaced but there is no doubt it will be in near future and it should be.
And it should be replaced according to me cause just like we can’t stick to handwritten emails anymore we should also not need to stick Traditional Cable TVs.
Must you be thinking of the Reason behind the down of Tradition TV, cause everything was working fine for it till 2010, then what happened?
Let me show you the good and bad sides of both the Traditional TVs and Online Streaming Services (in Details):
Traditional Cable TVs
With the invention of First Mechanical TV, by John Logie Baird, the world received a far better mode of entertainment then they have ever could thought of.
TVs soon started becoming a mode of mass awareness and entertainment, peoples started using it for watching sports and news from any part of the world.
But as after every good time there awaits the bad one, there was something really horrific coming for TVs and now they are facing a threat of disappearing in near future.
But, what is the exact reason for this?
Lack of Freedom
TVs are created to bound us in a Place for a long time which is not fine anymore now. With the increase in the reach of the internet, we are moving toward freedom as much as we can and TVs are holding us back. We need to sit in a Place for hours and hours to watch a Movie or any show, we can’t move out in between unless we want to miss some parts.
We can’t take our TVs with us, so we need to be present in front of it everytime our favourite show is coming.
Lack of Choice
This one is one of the major reason for the downfall of TVs. Who doesn’t want the freedom on the choices we make?
Traditional TVs are far away to offer us this freedom, we can never decide what we really want to watch and when.
You see we need to make the changes in our schedules just to watch some movies cause once we missed them we can’t watch them again till they re telecast it.
The problem doesn’t end here, what if we get an urgent call in between a program? Can we pause it and take the call?
NO, we can’t even take our breaks accordingly.
Simply, in Traditional TVs, we don’t have a single piece of choice on our own apart from changing the channels and this is something we are not going to tolerate any longer…
Lack of Content
Traditional TV really lacks content and most accurately, the quality content. We need to wait for months for any Movie to come on TV.
Apart from Movies, with an increase in Online Streaming Market more and more peoples are tent to produce more content for online services rather than TV.
With all being said, it’s not like that there is no good in these TVs, they are few things such as Stability and old Connections feelings when watching them with family, but these things are just not enough.
Online Streaming Services
These services offer a seamless experience to its users allowing them to enjoy various benefits and features.
Two of the most famous of these services are Netflix and Youtube:
- Netflix had over 52 million streaming subscribers in the United States alone as of the third quarter of 2017.
- According to Fortune Lords, Almost 5 billion videos are watched on Youtube every single day.
As these numbers may look scary but there is a reason for them, few of these reasons are:
Streaming Services give us the freedom we deserve, Both Physical as well as mental one.
We are no more bound to watch TV shows and Movies just while sitting in one place instead we can now carry our mobile devices with us to enjoy them whenever we want.
We can even stream videos while travelling, which is a big deal if you often go on long travels.
We are the BOSS in these streaming services, we get to decide the type of content we want to watch when we want to watch and more.
We don’t require to change our schedules to enjoy any video because it is available all the time.
We can pause the videos and can come back whenever we want to enjoy it, even if we come back after a year or more.
As I have said earlier, increasing market of online streaming services are attracting more and more content to it, nowadays you can not only use them enjoy TV shows and movies but for other things such as Guides, Web series and their originals.
These services are recommended for sure but they do have some minor and few major drawbacks too, few of them are:
Using online streaming services, peoples often go for free and pirated ones such as Couchtuner and Showbox, however, According to Everythingtuner, these services are neither safe nor legit.
If your internet is not stable you are really going to face a lot of buffering while browsing these sites, which makes the whole experience very irritating.
With all being said you must be now pretty much clear why Online streaming services are killing traditional TVs.
Let’s summarize everything up:
Traditional TVs don’t offer Freedom. They also don’t have a lot of content, and they also lack users choices.
Whereas, online Streaming services provide its users with a lot of choices and content, apart from them it also gives them the well-required freedom.
If you still have any query or suggestion do comment below and let us know.
About the author:
Hey, this is Aditya Singh, a 17 Years Old Blogger from India. I usually Blog about Self Help, but as a Hobby I sometimes comes in Tech and Movies Niche. I love connecting new peoples, you can connect with me at:
Website: EverythingTuner
Instagram: @Thisisadityasingh