6 Tips to Be a Better LoL Player
Beginners and people who have been playing for some time are always eager to know moreabout the most effectiveLeague of Legends strategies. Most players now buy smurf account LoL in order to boost their elo within a short period of time.The truth is that anyone can improve their skills with the following tips as long as they are determined and persistent.
1. Be ready to learn
Even though you can consult professionals for insights, it’s not ideal to follow every piece of advice. This is because what works for other players may not work for you. Visit discussion forums and blogs to read guides that are written by experts. As time goes on, you will be able to understand the right item to build each champion. It’s imperative to be up to date as meta usually changes with each patch upgrade.Review your past games to learn from your mistakes and know where to improve.
2. Play with skilled players
Consider playing with better players if you don’t want to remain in the diamond league or any other level for an extended period of time. It’s not necessary to play with only the people that you know. Taking this approach offers players the opportunity to discover new meta, builds, setups, techniques among other things. In addition, it helps to hone your communication skills with other team members and the ability to read your opponent’s lane behavior.
3. Practice one champion at a time
There are so 155 champions in the LoL and mastering them one by one takes time. However, it’s the best way to learn important things such as the runes, skills, attack speed, range, armor and items of each champion. It’s even possible to discover the champions that you will really like.
4. Create time to play
It’s impossible to become a professional LoL player if you play occasionally. Truth be told, experts often set aside at least 3hrs to play each day even if they have a tight schedule. Curbing distractions such as social media or pets will assist you to maximize your time and focus on the game.
5. Ensure that your set up is perfect
When you’re about to play a ranked match, check whether everything is well connected before the game starts. Your PC should be in good shape and offer support forLoL. In case it isn’t compatible, you can upgrade it or acquire a new one.
6. Remain positive
Make sure that you build good relationships with your team mates so that you can learn from them.Always remember that the only person you have the power to control is yourself. Instead of blaming or flaming other players at the slightest mistake, come up with creative ways to play better.For instance, pinging your teammates as soon as you detect danger.It goes without saying that criticism and trolls are inevitable, but a positive mindset will help you to handle both effectively. The bottom line is to make the right decisionsthat will benefit your team.