Offline marketing – a traditional yet effective tool
In the digital era, many things are rapidly being done on the Internet. Most people look for, and expect, information to be available online. Importantly, the on-line space has become key to marketing strategies as well.
Albeit, there is still substantive space for offline marketing in the industry. People around the globe continue to see daily Newspaper as a vital source not only for news but also for ads.
Offline marketing also includes folded leaflets design, pamphlets, flyers, posters, business cards etc. Basically anything tangible that can be used to print your business details can be used as a tool for offline marketing whether it is paint on a bench in a public park or a branded pen.
Offline Marketing has its own mileage as you get to directly convey the information to the targeted audience at a feasible cost. For example a small group of tourists looking for a particular cuisine restaurant or a couple looking for a hotel with nice view in a discounted price. With offline marketing the information is being handed over to the potential buyer / consumer directly without them requesting it just because they might be requiring or wanting the same.
It is clear that offline marketing is still an effective marketing strategy .
One could say there are three virtual levels of offline marketing. One is regularly printed publication like newspapers, magazines etc. Other is an add-on to the former like folded leaflets, pamphlets, flyers etc and last but not least, is branded merchandise and related accessories. The level of offline marketing required for firm, corporation or company depends on the age and budget of your establishment.
Newspapers and magazines are traditional and primary source of information for a lot of people even today. It is utilized by marketing managers worldwide in both new and established companies and corporations to launch products or convey promotional offers. Although it is a reliable and proven source of information it is not as feasible as the add-on modes of offline marketing.
Add-on forms like folded leaflets, pamphlets, flyers, posters and business cards are used in the marketing by less established or new firms trying to create a reputation by selling their competitive products in the market. With add-ons there is endless opportunity of marketing for everyone regardless of the budget. There is even room for late comers and last moment plans. There are multiple opportunities with overnight publication of flyers and folded leaflets, pamphlets which could be made available locally or state-wide along with Newspapers, magazines or even at others places like cash counters or public library etc.
For example you could get flyers for your start-up Cafe and make available at libraries, book stores, news stands and at the same time hand them out to students outside a school or college in less time and low budget versus getting them published in a reknowned magazine or Newspaper. Offline marketing strategies include things like sponsoring branded bookmarks in your local library or putting sign boards with ad or business details in public parks and other places.
Flyers and folded leaflets can also be handy. One could place them in a spot like a counter or a desk or distribute them in a crowd or a outside a tourist location and get progressive results with less efforts in no time.
Promotional schemes and information can be conveyed to your potential clients locally in a much effective manner with offline marketing as well. For example a short term offer can be conveyed with folded leaflets in the local Newspaper for a week and at the same time can be handed over to people in a supermarket store counter.
Business cards is another mode of offline marketing. It is one of the oldest marketing tool in the industry. It is minimalist approach to marketing as it just helps you share the vital details about your business with clients. It is totally proven as it has only gotten better with time and technology. The beauty of business cards is that every one happens to carry a card holders or a wallet to carry and store them. You could use public bulletins to stick your business cards and share it with people you happen to converse with in a park or a public transportation while going to work or home. Dropping your business cards in appropriate business places and trade parks in a good idea when it comes to offline marketing.
As read above offline marketing is a dynamic approach to marketing your products. There is a reason why offline marketing is still popular in today’s world.
Offline marketing also ventures into the realm of sponsorship. Whether it is a popular sports team or a band or public artist like a painter by a lake etc. Start-ups can easily gain popularity by sponsoring and it can be a lot budget friendly than you might imagine. This step falls under the third virtual level we have discussed earlier. It is mostly practiced by known and established firms. Although there is no restriction on the new firms and start-ups and it would be a fair idea to invest in sponsorship.
One offline marketing tool is to distribute and hand out branded merchandise, accessories and wearables. For example if you are in business related to automobiles then you could distribute branded t-shirts to the local mechanics in the town or nearby. Or for example you could celebrate a achieved target by distributing small accessories like branded pen or key chains. Such small investments in offline marketing are worth it.
Another offline marketing strategy is to put your business name on a billboard at popular locations in your place of business and nearby along with posters. Although posters are considered to be dated in field of marketing but it still works in rural areas, villages and outskirts. With the help of posters and billboards you could reach people who deliberately avoids ads in newspapers and magazines as beautiful posters and billboards are ubiquitous.
Offline marketing is more attention grabbing and personal and it is literally a beautiful print out right in your hand. Whether it is a newsletter, direct mail or a folded leaflet. It can contain a lot of details other than the product information like discount coupons for example. It is the most cost effective marketing idea for new firms and start-ups.
It is a common error is to obviate offline marketing completely if you are in an online only business. In reality, offline marketing can really help and support your online only business too. It is like meeting a person online versus face-to-face. What do you think is a better? Face-to-face, of course!
Regardless of what we say, believe and hope about the Internet and our online world. In the end whatever we do happens in the real world only. We can only feel and enjoy tangible things and objects. You cannot feel virtuality and it can be tailored to give a personalized experience but it can never be as personal as the physical world. No matter what, physical media in the physical world has real significance and value.
There is no doubt that offline marketing, with its core print media and traditional advertisement among other things is a must for any brand or product to reach the masses. Of course, the best would be a combination of offline and online marketing to boost sales and spread the word further and further.