Top 4 Energy Saving Techs
Latest technological innovations have made it easier for environment-conscious consumers to fully embrace the green lifestyle. However, most people think that going green means taking a step away from the various technological advancements in order to pursue a more natural, old-fashioned style of living. Whether it’s controlling the lights at home using a mobile app or using smart appliances to decrease the overall energy expenditure, there are numerous high-tech, environment-friendly options to choose from, so let’s go over some of the most interesting ones currently available on the market.
Smart appliances
Whether it’s a diet-tracking smart refrigerator, an environmentally-friendly washing machine that takes fewer loads to wash more clothes or a filter-less smart coffee pot, smart appliances are slowly but surely becoming a part of our everyday lives. The smart washing machine, for example, promises large savings and reduces energy use by rescheduling all the energy-intensive wash-cycles during the off-peak hours. Not to mention that most of these smart appliances are a part of “internet of things” which allows them to be accessed anytime and anywhere, as long as you have an active internet connection.
Smart thermostats
Smart, high-tech thermostats have been around for some time now, but only a few of them are considered to be industry leaders regarding cutting down on energy expenditure and reducing cooling and heating costs. Nest Learning Thermostat is one of them and it allows consumers to adjust the in-home temperature based on their own lifestyle and personal preferences. What makes this particular product so interesting is that it relies heavily on cloud computing to work through all the sensor data in order to learn the user’s habits and adjust the temperature automatically. The device itself can be accessed on the go, using a dedicated app or via a computer.
Smart sprinklers
People put a lot of time and effort into keeping their gardens and lawns fresh and looking beautiful. You might not think much of It, but a neatly kept garden not only looks good but also raises the overall curb appeal of the entire house. However, most homeowners waste a lot of water in their effort to keep the garden alive and well during these hot summer months. Fortunately, smart technology has reached its way even into our sprinkler systems and smart sprinklers allows homeowners to use ten times less water in order to keep their lawns hydrated. This reduces both the amount water being used to water the plants, but also the overall water bill, which can be rather high during the summer.
Solar panels
One of the best ways of drastically reducing your carbon footprint while generating electricity at the same time is using solar panels. There are two types of panels used for generating thermal energy: flat plate and evacuated tube collectors. They capture the heat from the sun and concentrate it toward special water pipes which heat water inside a water tank. Panels such as these two types are generally used to heat up water, while solar photovoltaics are used to generate electricity. There are numerous solar panel solutions and saving money while generating electricity is made a lot easier thanks to solar and energy storage systems such as Sonnen Battery.
These are just some of the most interesting smart technologies that allow their users to maintain a green attitude towards life while still enjoying the latest advancements smart technologies have to offer. Whether it’s solar panels, smart appliances or smart thermostats, there are numerous technologies currently being developed and sold that help us fight the good fight while still enjoying the latest innovations the tech industry has to offer.