How Our Blockchain Developer Used These 6 Resources to Build His First Cryptocurrency in Ethereum?
If you are a developer who continually wants to learn and explore Blockchain development, how it works, and how you can create your own Cryptocurrency, then this article is for you.
You’ll find total 6 resources in this article which can help you to build your career in Blockchain development. Few of my colleagues, who are Blockchain developers at Space-O Technologies, shared these resources with me. During the process of their first cryptocurrency development, they found these resources. I’m sure it will help you out if you’re starting from the ground.
1. Khan Academy: Bitcoin
Khan Academy is the most popular source of free online education that has released a video series about the bitcoin topic. The video series on the Khan Academy covers the complete tenets of bitcoin with hand drew video explanation and detailing how transactions are recorded on the blockchain and its security.
The academy offers complete practice exercises, instructional videos and a personalized learning dashboard, which allow learners to study at their own pace in and outside of their workplace.
One of the best things about this academy is that it partnered with institutions like NASA, The Museum of Modern Art, The California Academy of Sciences and MIT to deliver specialized content.
2. Mastering Bitcoin by Andreas Antonopoulos
After the video series, Mastering Bitcoin by Andreas Antonopoulos is the best book for everyone, who is interested in learning about bitcoin basics, the technical operation of bitcoin or if you are developing the next bitcoin killer application.
This book will help you to engineer money from using a bitcoin wallet to run a bitcoin marketplace with hundreds of thousands of transactions or developing new financial innovations, which will transform the understanding of currency and credit.
With this book, you can learn to unlock the API to a new economy as this book is the key to it. Moreover, this book helped them in learning everything that they wanted to know about the decentralized digital money, that is one of the most exciting technical revolutions in years.
3. Ethereum White paper by Vitalik Buterin
After learning Bitcoin and gathering enough information about the Bitcoin, you can start learning about Ethereum platform. Ethereum is the next-generation smart contract and decentralized application platform that allows developers to develop high-end cryptocurrency applications.
If you want to learn about Ethereum platform, you can prefer this white paper by Vitalik Buterin. He has explained very well in this white paper and gave in-depth information about Ethereum that will help you to understand better. You can get complete information about Ethereum and its existing concepts in this white paper.
4. B9lab Academy
Now, you must check out B9lab Academy that is the most popular academy for having the most exciting courses about blockchain and decentralized applications.
You can go through different blockchain courses that cover the most recent developments of this advanced technology. By taking the detailed online course from this academy, you can learn all about blockchain and how to develop their own decentralized applications. So, you can also be part of a growing community and become an expert on one of the today’s hottest technologies.
5. The Quiet Master of Cryptocurrency
Nick Szabo is a computer scientist, lawyer, and cryptographer best known for his research in digital contracts and cryptocurrency. The range and depth of his interests and knowledge are truly amazing. He is best known for his pioneering research in digital contracts and cryptocurrency.
The Quiet Master of Cryptocurrency is a podcast in which he coined the term smart contracts and designed Bit Gold that is widely seen as the precursor to Bitcoin. The podcast also comprises a lot of metaphors and concepts, which are helpful for understanding cryptocurrencies like social scalability, smart contracts and Quantum thoughts. So, if you are looking for creating a cryptocurrency, you can go through this podcast that can help you a lot.
6. Cryptocurrencies, App Coins and Investing in Protocols (Podcast)
Once, you get the idea of how Bitcoin and Ethereum work, it’s time to dive into application-specific tokens for these protocols that is also known as “app coins”. Begin with a complete history of open source, Choksi, Dixon and Carlson-Wee dive into why we could be headed towards less centralized platform and a web owned by users.
In addition to this, they also examine how to think about investing in protocols. So, let’s imagine if you could have invested in Linux, an open source protocol, which has the biggest installed base of all general-purpose operating systems.
Using these 6 resources, my colleagues developed their first Cryptocurrency, so I’m sure this will help you out. If you are a Blockchain developer and want to share any important resource, please share it in the comment.
About the author:
Yuvrajsinh is a Business Growth Strategist at Space-O Technologies, an app development company which recently started Blockchain app development. He keeps exploring online tools that can help Entrepreneurs to grow their business organically. In his spare time, he loves to read fiction and copywriting books.