Why choose Swift over objective-C for iOS app development?
Since its launch, the Swift programming language has been a growing topic of conversation among many enterprises. The impressive level of success is well-observed due to an incredible range of advantages offered by the coding language for iOS Swift development. Earlier, Objective-C was considered as the primary language used for creating OSX and iOS applications. In 2014, the tech giant came up with a new open source programming language called Swift defined as “Objective-C without the C”.
Swift v/s Objective-C
The launch of the new programming language soon led to a lot of confusion in the entire development community as Apple itself claimed that this iOS coding language was to be better than its predecessor. Swift is safer, faster, modern and also enables a level of interactivity in app development. Features such as closures, generics, and type inference, simplifying common patterns, additional support of Cocoa and Cocoa Touch makes the language completely apt for iOS application development. The following post highlights a few undeniable reasons of choosing Swift over Objective-C for your upcoming mobile development project.
Reason #1 When You Want To Build Apps With Unstoppable Performance
iOS swift possess an incredibly fast algorithm in order to process arithmetic calculation after C++. Moreover, compact coding and syntax used in Swift allow to boost the performance factor. Apps which fail for loading faster or deliver a seamless experience are most likely to be shown the exit door. And it may quite interest you to know that Lyft app migration to Swift ultimately effects in slashing the code lines from 75000 to 25000. In the Fast era, Lesser coding means faster downloading which cause increase in the processing speed. As a result, consumers no need to worry memory availability on their apple smart phone devices because of Swift apps which cover low memory space.
Reason #2 When You Want To Build Apps with Better Engagement
Have you ever wondered why retailers have a high craze for iOS? Simple, it’s all about better in-app user engagement with more page views as well as conversion. Apart from this, the iOS Human Interface Guidelines that the App Review team authorize for every iOS Swift developer to check.
A Cupertino-based company strives hard to enhance the overall user experience along with the innovation in iOS 10 by simply allowing professionals to support the power of legacy iOS apps including Phone, Maps, Siri and Messages into apps.
Reason #3 When You Want To Build Apps With Ease Update Process
Being inspired from modern programming languages like Ruby and Python, Swift facilitates an app to keep pace with and stay relevant. This helps many iOS app development companies to understand as well as point out any specific areas and make the desirable changes to them.
Reason #4 When You Want To Build Apps That Are Feature-Rich And That Serve Purpose
With a comprehensive range of functions and API’s, iOS Swift has the potential to build a full-featured app to make maximum use of the features, properties and capabilities of the OS without sacrificing overall performance of the device. Since its inception, the language has offered updates and enhancements on the regular basis.
Reason #5 When You Want To Build Apps Free from Bugs and Crashes
Many iOS developers believe in the fact that Swift adopts a strong position against bugs and crashes. From the initial start, the language keeps its emphasis on keeping error-free code syntax. This just not leads to best app development but even helps around several professionals save valuable time. Of course, having a sound knowledge of syntax here is pretty much advisable and therefore, hiring the accurate professional is mandatory.
Reason #6 When You Want To Build Apps That Works Well For Non-iOS platforms
Do you know that Swift is no more restricted to iOS? The good news is that the open source has extended the usability of Swift to Linux and further to Android also. However, the GUI component is still missing. This calls for a discussion whether Tech Giant Apple would be interested to provide an open source compiler or not.
Reason #7 When You Want To Build Apps That Provide Security to App Users
A series of updates such as SQL Injections (SQLi), Reflected XSS, Buffer Overflows and Stored XSS has made Swift’s coding more immune in no time. Key security measures include:
- Strict prohibition of unauthorized access.
- More secured connections offered to outside sources
- Cryptographic solution secures in-app communication
- Secure code execution and distribution checks entry of rogue or inferior apps
Keep watching the space to know more regarding Swift iOS app development.
Author Bio:
This article has been written by Rakesh Patel who is a marketing manager and technical writer at eTatva Soft – iOS app development company. He also writes for Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Social Media, Mobile development and Business growth.