Noteworthy features of Wireless Routers
It has turned out to be a necessity to have an internet connection be it at home or office. The device that connects to the modem so as to connect multiple devices to the internet connection is called a wireless router. The device may be wired or wireless. Routers are famous for its versatility and functionality. There are a number of additional features that should be looked upon before buying a new wireless router. One of the most important features is the range. It is the quantification of how far the signal will advance. There is a certain criterion that decides the range of the router, from its placement to interference from other such electronic devices.
There are two different types of wireless routers available in general, namely single band and dual band. The wireless frequency at which the router out-turns its signal is known as a band and it is either 2.4GHz or 5 GHz. The dual band outputs its signal on both 2.4Giggaherts and 5Gigahertz and due to this; it gives robust and strong signal with high quality. You are advised to buy the band according to your need. Another feature of the router is its standard such as 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g and 802.11n. n is the latest standard in the market at this point in time. The quality of the signal increases as the letter advances. Security is another feature that should be kept in mind. The best router under 100 dollars will be having all these features in it.
Get an idea about Wireless modems
The device that allows the computer to bind to the Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) without cabling or ethernet wiring is known as wireless modems. The modems use the Satellite, Cellular or Wi-fi to bind with a WLAN in order to access the internet. For the purpose of mobiles, a wireless modem card known as PCMCIA in a laptop is capable of providing internet ingress through the public hotspot. Hotspot is the area where Wireless Local Area Networks allows local people to avail internet. In certain cases, there arises the need to take up the membership by paying minimal fees in order to access the net. Wireless fidelity, i.e., WiFi is another modem that is popular for mobile. You are advised to be sure about the existence of the necessary features before you buy a modem.
How to select an apt Wireless Modem Router
A wireless network connects the computer with a device called as wireless modem router which simultaneously then connects to the modem. This set-up is very convenient as it helps to share information and access the internet without the physical wires. While selecting a wireless modem router you should be sure about its compatibility. The next feature you need to calculate is your requirement of speed. If you want higher speed, you will need to avail 802.11N series. A detailed market search should be done before buying such devices. You should go through the best router under 100 dollars and then decide which wireless router suits your requirement. After sale service should also be kept in mind.