Published on July 3rd, 2017 | by Guest
05 Technologies That Will Revolutionize Everyday Living
Technology is advancing at a rapid pace. Here are five technologies that will change the way we live in the future:
1. Gene Editing:
Right now, the idea of editing genes seems like something out of science fiction. However, it is quickly becoming science fact. A gene sequence that would have cost 100 million dollars to sequence in 2001 could be mapped for as little as 1,000 dollars today.
This may eventually make it possible to edit the genes of our offspring. Most traits are either entirely genetically based or even have some genetic roots. This is even true with regard to personality traits. In addition, it is possible that gene editing could lead to cures for often fatal diseases, such as cancer and HIV.
In recent times, a new gene editing tool has been created. This tool is called Crispr. Crispr is currently used to genetically modify crops to be more disease resistant.
2. AI:
Artificial intelligence is likely to shape our future in both positive and negative ways. AI is already being utilized in many industries. Artificial intelligence has already been incorporated into smartphones and websites. This will eventually trickle down to home devices like refrigerators, Air Conditioners and home security devices.
Voice assistants are already becoming commonplace, and they are capable of searching the internet for information based on voice cues. This form of AI is an integral part of any smart home technology.
It’s likely that it will be utilized in even more industries in the near future. Experts have estimated that the artificial intelligence industry will grow to 36.8 billion dollars by 2025. This can be compared to the 643.7 million dollar current size of the artificial intelligence industry.
3. Renewable Energy:
Oil and gas will be depleted one day, and humanity will need to turn to new energy sources. Alternative energy sources are currently being developed. Solar panels are currently becoming more advanced and commonplace. In addition, there are also advancements in geothermal and wind energy.
Furthermore, it’s expected that entirely new sources of renewable energy will emerge in the future. It’s likely that the world’s first nuclear fusion reactor will be developed in the next 50 years. This will lead to clean energy for many years to come. Unlike modern day nuclear energy, it’s possible to create massive amounts of electrical power with fusion reactions and only create water vapor as a only waste product. This would effectively prevent climate change.
4. Virtual Reality:
There are many potential uses of virtual reality. Virtual reality is currently being used by some gaming enthusiasts. In the future, it’s likely to be used by people in various occupations to train for situations that they’d be likely to encounter in their day to day work.
In many cases, virtual reality software makes it possible for people to put on a headset to experience a full visual and audio reality that appears highly realistic. It is likely that this technology will become even more advanced, and it may even include other sensory modalities in the future.
Already, Nintendo Wii makes it possible for people to integrate their physical movements into video games. This virtual reality technology has become quite commonplace, and it is likely to become even more popular.
5. Self Driving Cars:
Currently, there are no self driving cars available on the market. While there are vehicles that have limited self driving abilities, it is necessary for a driver to be behind the wheel at all times.
However, it is likely that there will be vehicles in the future that will be able to fully sense their environment and be capable of fully driving on their own. Experiments have been done to create such a vehicle, and we may see the first self driving car on the market sooner than you might imagine.