Low Tech Metal Roof Turns High Tech
When you read the title you probably think back to the last metal roof you saw and wonder how could it be high tech? Some might have read about the paint now being energy star reflective paint for the metal roofs, others might think that because solar panels can be installed on metal roofs with ease that might make it high tech.
While it is true that most metal roofs have energy star paints, and that certain types of metal roofs are also great for solar panels neither of these are what I will be discussing. Now there is a new technology that can be installed with a metal roof that will in most cases reduce your energy bill, lower your attic temperature and make your home more temperate during the summer months. All by stopping the 3 ways that heat is transferred and by venting your attic, and venting the heat created by you metal roof.
Produce it, or Save it?
Before we talk about what a high tech metal roof looks like, I wanted to answer the question about if there is even a need for it in the first place. Is spending Money to save money worth it, why not spend money to make money? This is a question I get quite often when solar panels come into view with the idea that making money outweighs saving money because you have to buy the savings.
I want you to think about this concept, set money aside for a moment and answer this question: “If you have to create 2 watt of power vs creating 5 watts of power which would be easier?” Of Course, 2 watts of power would be easier and cheaper to produce than 5 watts of power. At your house if you were able to use less power wouldn’t that make it easier and cost less to produce that power. It is always best to try and reduce the amount of energy used before trying to produce your current rate of usage. Another way to look at it is when you use less you have less to produce, which makes the producing cost less to install. So, to answer the question, I believe that you should save and produce, but always start with the saving before you start the producing.
How to Save it
There are a number of ways to save energy usage in your home such as new windows, doors, more insulation, but the most savings you can receive is by changing your climate in your attic. The heat that hits you roofs is the most intense and damaging of all 3 ways heat is transferred and if you don’t have an answer to stop or reduce all 3 ways then your roof will fall apart, your attic temperature will be 150 degrees or more and your AC until will run nonstop trying to keep up with your inefficiencies.
First the roof
Why does the most common roof fall apart after 10, 20, or 30 years depending on the type of asphalt shingle you have? The sun and heat beating down on your roof makes your roof fall apart. A guy said “I have asphalt shingles that are over 65 years old and in perfect condition that are still stored inside my basement.” Another guy installed the same shingles on his house in Florida, they only last 10 years. What’s the difference? Think about that.
The Sun and heat destroys asphalt shingles, and that’s is how they are made. Metal does not have the same effect to heat and sun, but now with the invention of the Therma Vent it removes the heat by venting the roof and the heat in the attic.
My AC works fine
If your AC unit cools your house why would you need, or even want to pay more money to reduce the temperature in your attic when everything is “Working Just Fine.” Great question, in fact a lot of people do not realize that heat in their attic can cause some problems. Most attics are between 130-160 + degrees on summer days that reach only 85 degrees outside.
You have to also take into account hot spots in your house, this happens mainly on the second floor during the afternoon hours, and even more towards the west and south sides of the house. Those who know exactly what I’m talking about are shaking their heads in agreement because they know that hot spots in the house means discomfort to them.
Paying for “it” now or later, what is “it”?
The “it” is your choice, we all pay for “it.” What is “it”, can we pay for something we don’t even know about? Yes, we do every year, thousands of Americans pay for “it” every year and they don’t even know it. Although now with the invention of Therma Vent many are choosing to pay for “it” now to save later, rather than paying for “it” now with no savings on the horizon. The “it” is all the inefficiencies, or all the efficiencies you pay for. You get to choose when you pay for “it.” Your hot roof and hot attic you will pay for that heat by spending more money over time on cooling you home with higher electric bills due to the AC unit running more. Or you can pay for “it” efficiencies now with Therma Vent which will keep your new Metal Roof cool, along with keeping your attic cool and reducing your foot print while saving you money on your electric bill over time.
More and more people choose Therma Vent to save the “it” in the long run while having a temperate attic and house. If you are interested in knowing more about this invention for your house follow up by checking our link here.