IRobot CEO on tech’s future: Imagine your whole home as a robot
Technology has revolutionized many things including how things are done in homes. In fact, robots in home have become trending where home owners are using robots to do various chores. Many home owners are integrating technology in their homes to help them do various things that they used to do manually. For instance, in homes where technology is integrated certain things such as the vacuum cleaners are operated automatically. The modern vacuum cleaners can turn it self off and put itself into a power source when it does not have enough power. There is also technology that switches off the lights when no one is at home. There are companies that are helping in this technology advancement in homes. Some of the prominent companies include iRobot which has been working towards looking for home technology solutions.
Application Of The Technology
The CEO of iRobot stated that he expect the technology applied in homes to advance even further in the future. He stated that homes will be more enjoyable and convenient to live in. the expected technology will be able to understand that someone is home from the time the home owner pulls up in the driveway. Even though the technology is in advanced stages it will grow further as time progresses. This technology will do things such as preheating the microwave or switching on the music when the home owner gets home. The technology will also apply in other operations such as controlling the lights, heating the baths and opening the windows amongst others.
Important Aspects Of The Technology
According to the iRobot CEO the most important aspect of this technology is security. Home owners want to be assured that their security and that of their properties will not be compromised by the improved technology. Most of the people who currently have technologically oriented gadgets do not even know how to use them properly. They always fear that some of the operations might compromise their security. This is the primary reason why iRobot is working towards ensuring that the technology to be used in homes is simplified as much as possible. The importance of this is to allow even the home owners who are not very conversant with technology to be able to use these appliances properly. The simplification is also meant to enhance the security of the home owners and their properties.
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Benefits Of The Technology
Some of the benefits of making a home be like a robot is that one is saved from the need to keep on switching on and off most of the things at home. When the shower can turn itself on one is saved from the need to keep on turning on the shower. Furthermore, this has the benefit of helping one be able to switch off various things in case one forgets. Many times people forget to switch off some of the things at home such as the lights or the music. This improved technology is meant to help such people be able to switch off the things that they might forget to switch off.
Getting The Technology
To get this kind of technology in a home one just needs to contact a competent company such as iRobot. The experts from the company will be able to install the appliances that will be needed. The company will also provide professional advice on how to use and maintain the technology. Furthermore, a competent company will work with the home owner to ifentify the most appropriate robots. One can even start with a few gadgets and then install more after sometimes. With the rapid technology advancement it is expected that in futures homes will effectively operate like robots.