5 Great Facts on Google [Infographic]
If ever there was single force for economic good it would have to be Google’s search engine.
Need proof?
Google’s services went down for 5 minutes leading to a 40 percent drop in online traffic worldwide!
Ya, that one surprised us too.
It wasn’t always so obvious that a search engine that could index sites online would hold such tremendous influence over our lives.
Some of you are too young to know what life was like without Google.
But for those of us that are old enough to remember the hurdles you’d have to overcome in order to find information, let me tell you it was no walk in the park.
In fact:
You’d actually have to drive down to your local library if you were planning on doing some extensive research on a topic.
Often, times you wouldn’t complete your search in one sitting, so you’d have to come back the next day!
Imagine that!
Today, life is much easier thanks to the convenience offered to us by an online index of sites.
No matter what information you’re seeking, Google can help you with your search much faster than it would take you to do it the old fashioned way.
Google is a company with quite an interesting history.