3 Cool Functional Things You Can Make from an Oil Tank
If you own property in New Jersey, one of the most important but an overlooked aspect involves oil tank inspection and if necessary oil tank removal. Far too many times, property owners will not give an underground oil tank a second thought until problems start to arise, such as soil contamination resulting from a leaking tank. Therefore, when you live in New Jersey oil tank removal is something to not be taken lightly. However, while many people believe it will be necessary to pay hundreds of dollars to have the oil tank hauled away, the fact is many old oil tanks can in fact find a new life thanks to recycling. For those folks who have a flair for being creative and like to undertake an occasional DIY project, used oil tanks can be made into a variety of fun and useful items. If it’s time to have an oil tank removal on your property, here are three cool and very functional things you can create from that oil tank that’s just setting around collecting dirt and dust.
Meat Smoker
If you enjoy preparing meats by grilling or smoking, you can create a meat smoker from that old oil tank that will have everyone talking. Perfect for smoking a whole pig or other large piece of meat, these smokers can save you hundreds of dollars while also being a unique item that all of your neighbors don’t have as well. If you want to try your hand at this project, you’ll need a few items such as a metal saw, cutting torch, angle grinder, an arc welder, at least five steel hinges, and a few other odds and ends. To construct the chamber, cut a 4′ x 2′ rectangle out of the flat side of the tank. Grind off the sharp edges, then build a hardwood fire in the tank and let it burn for two hours to get rid of any oil residue. Afterwards, scrub it out with soapy water and scouring pads. Once this is done, weld the sides and bottom of the rectangle you just cut, since this will be your door. Then install the hinges and cut a vent in the top, and follow that with welding a 60″ x 27″ mesh cooking rack in the tank. To make the firebox, cut a 55-gallon drum in half, then cut a 12″ x 12″ door with your arc welder. Finally, put the firebox below the smoking chamber, weld together, and prepare to smoke a great piece of meat.
Fire Pit
If on the other hand you simply want a homemade fire pit after your New Jersey oil tank removal, you can do that as well. Similar to making a meat smoker, you simply cut off one end of the tank, being careful to grind off any sharp edges. Once you’ve done this, you can either use existing legs from the tank or find some on your own. In most instances, the oil tank removal company will probably have some discards you can use. Simply weld these onto the bottom of the fire pit, and you’ve got a pit that will easily set up off the ground. And again, like you did with the meat smoker, find a small metal rack that can be welded to the inside of the pit, so that your wood stays up off the bottom until it turns into ashes. By taking your arc welder and installing the rack, you can sit back and enjoy a warm fire on a cool fall evening.
Stylish Seating
Finally, if you want some stylish seating that’s sure to catch everyone’s attention, then take that old oil tank and turn it into a chair. To do so, cut it open with a metal saw, or use an arc welder if you prefer. Once you’ve got an opening for the seat that satisfies you, smooth off the rough edges where you’ll be sitting. Next, weld some small metal rods on the bottom for legs, making sure the seat will be level. After this is finished, find a can of paint and give it a coat or two of your favorite color, then find a comfortable cushion to put inside. Once you’ve done all this, just sit back and enjoy the rest of your day, knowing you are indeed a true recycling genius.
Whether you try one of these ideas or decide to tackle all three, chances are you’ll create some items that will be one-of-a-kind items that will be great conversation starters. However, in addition to that, they will also be cool, functional things that can be used time and time again. So when it’s time for an oil tank inspection, take a second look and think about the possibilities that old oil tank offers you and your creativity.