The Web’s Best Auto Tubers [Infographic]
Do you know what a YouTuber is? No, well, these are people who upload their videos to YouTube, get a percentage of the advertising played before the start or during their short film, and make lots of money. Of course, there are viewing targets to be met if you’re going to make a living as a YouTuber and you’ll have to be prepared to upload on a daily basis.
In this infographic we take a look at the 7 best and biggest automotive YouTubers. We’ve included the viewing figures they achieve, their subscriber count and lots of other statistics that we think you’ll find QI (quite interesting). And, should you be wondering which of their videos are viewed the most we’ve included those figures too.
Automotive YouTubers come from around the globe. Some upload ‘how to’ videos to help people fix their own vehicles, while others offer advice on buying used cars. Each of these guys, sorry no girls made our list this time, are driven by their love of cars and while most have spent their lives around cars others have changed career direction and found that AutoTubing can be pretty lucrative.
Read on to find out more about some of the most famous automotive YouTubers who earn an income from uploading their videos onto YouTube.