The Future of Medical Technology [Infographic]
Within the world of medicine technology is advancing at an alarming rate. These revolutionising technologies are drastically altering the methods of diagnoses and treatments, changing the way practitioners look at and repair the human body.
In some areas of medicine technology has been applied on a massive scale, while in other areas medical concepts and innovations look set to change the way we are diagnosed and treatments in the future.
The infographic below takes a look at some of the amazing ways technology is changing the face of medicine. Artificial Intelligence is being used as virtual doctors to carry out examinations and help in the diagnosis of dementia and Alzheimer’s, while 3D printing is enabling replacements bones to be made from titanium.
From tongue zapping to growing spare body parts and 3D printing hospitals, doctors and practitioners around the world are using technologies to help improve patient diagnoses and outcomes.
But we ask what about the future? Will The Future of Medical Technology continue to change our lives? Read on to find out more information and facts surrounding the advancements which are currently being designed, engineered and used to help improve healthcare and wellness at a global level.