
Published on March 18th, 2017 | by Guest


5 Tips How to Navigate Your Digital Marketing Campaign to Boost Dynamics and Catch up Customers and Visitors

To succeed against the fierce competition on the web you must strategize your digital marketing campaigns so it can reach its fullest potential.

You have to create a wonderful experience for the visitor so they can become customers.

A successful campaign not only attracts interest in the product but also converts it into buyers. To do this effectively is hard, but with the following tips it can be way easier than it normally is.

Remember that ultimately it’s all about the customer. If their experience is great they’re more likely to return. So pay attention to the tips and make the most out of it.

#1 Bounce Rate

The bounce rate is the number of visitors that leave your website after only seeing the land page.

They never get to see anything other than the page that got them there. This can happen for a few reasons.

  • Readability of the page or design
  • The selling of the product
  • You’re attracting the wrong visitor

The best way to reduce the bounce rate is to offer great content, with the right keywords, and proper formatting.

With the right keyword you ensure that the target audience is landing on your page and if they’re still leaving it may be because of the quality of the sales letter or the content that’s on the page.

You also ought to check the design and organization of the page. An ugly design or a confusing page can turn potential customers off. It should be easy to find the product and order it.

Once you reduce the bounce rate and ensure that you have great content in the hands of the right visitor you can worry about improving their experience.

#2 Know Your Audience

To boost your dynamics, you need to know your visitors and customers. The best way to do this is to gather all the information you can to tailor their experience.

First, you can get their emails by offering a freebie. Research shows that people are more willing to give their emails if you give something in return.

So gather the following tools to improve visitors experience:

  • Content Generator: With your database the generator will show or hide certain contents to enhance the visitors’ experience on your page. Of course, you will need content first—either take the time to create it yourself or outsource to a reputable service as Essayguard.
  • Strong email system: With an email system integrated with your database you can send personalized emails. They convert more than the usual impersonal ones.
  • Marketing Database: This is the most important piece of your dynamic content. This is where you store all the information about the download, pages visited, and history of your clients.

Equipped with these tools you can offer a personalized, improved experience to your customers. Now you can worry about the next step to boost dynamic and catch up visitors.

#3 Relevancy

You can have all the information you want about your target audience, but it won’t matter if it is not used wisely. The content shown to your visitors has to be relevant.

This is how you convert them into customers. The information that will help you enhance the experience of visitors are:

  • Demographics
  • Contact info
  • Pages visited and products that raised interest

With this relevant information you can provide an experience so personalized that your conversion rate will certainly increase.

This gathered information will boost your dynamic and that will reflect on the number of conversions.

This is why is crucial to not just gather the information but also to know how to use IT. It’s important to keep this updated so you don’t offer a product that was already bought by that same customer.

If the experience on your website is positive that customer will be more likely to make another purchase and refer your business to someone else.

#4 Invest

You know your audience and you show them information that it’s relevant to them, but you also need to offer an optimized webpage.

You need multiple landing pages with attractive meta descriptions for search users. You have to invest in the functionality of the page so it’s easy and fast to access.

The loading time is important for the overall experience. Google is concerned with your loading time so you should too. Test your loading time and speed. This can skip you a few position in the ranking.

And lastly you need to link your page to other pages on your website so the visitor keeps accessing different content in different windows.

#5 Call to Action

Sometimes well-written, well-targeted pages do not convert as much as they should be. More often than not it’s because they have a weak closing, but because the call to action isn’t enticing enough to make the potential buyer take an action and become a customer.

The call to action is very important if you want to increase your sales. There are a few secrets that can boost your call to action and therefore your marketing campaign.

  • Scarcity. Let the consumer know that they have a limited time to take an action or they’ll lose the opportunity of a lifetime.
  • Discount. Give your prospects a discount to make the offer more compelling. If you add this to the scarcity you can achieve powerful results.
  • Visibility. It’s crucial that the call to action button is visible and easy to find. It shouldn’t be hard for your prospects to take an action and buy your product.

Remember that if your headline is grabbing, your content great, but your call to action weak you’ll lose conversions.

Call to action buttons must improve the overall experience of your website.

If you integrate those tips to your current digital marketing campaign or to your next one, you’ll be on your way to high conversion rates. This will not only enhance the experience on your website but turn random visitors into loyal customers.

Making your website smarter is the smarter way to make your product or service a success. Go ahead and use these tips and share them with everybody.

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