Industries That Are Rapidly Changing Due To Technology Improvements
It should come as no surprise to learn that technology has forced almost all industries to change dramatically. Retail has been changed, due to improved point-of-sale systems, as well as the introduction of eBay and Amazon. Transportation has also been forced to adapt. Conventional taxi services are now forced to compete with high-tech alternatives, such as Lyft and Uber. While some changes are easily noticeable, many tend to fly under the radar. Below, you will discover some of the major industries, which have changed drastically due to technological improvements.
Farming is undeniably one of the oldest professions in the world. It is also one that is infrequently linked to technology. Nonetheless, farmers can benefit enormously from technology. Thanks to various improvements over the years, farmers have been able to automate many work-related activities, while simplifying others. With the addition of tractors, it is possible for farmers to plow the fields, without needing to use their animals to do so. Soon, farming will change even more dramatically, due to the drone and robot.
Drones will give farmers the ability to collect information about their crops, while robots can perform tedious activities that would normally be performed by laborers. It has been suggested that mechanized devices could increase the returns on investment for many crops by as much as two or three dollars per acre.
Healthcare has already been forced to evolve over the years. New regulations, laws and technologies have definitely changed healthcare, but bigger changes are on the horizon. In the future, doctors will utilize smart pills to diagnose problems. Patients will wear high-tech undergarments, which will be able to detect infections. While these gadgets might seem unrealistic, the revolution is already underway. The FitBit is one step in the right direction. Physical health isn’t the only sector that will be changed.
The mental health industry has also evolved. Virtual reality could prove to be a reliable treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder. Virtual reality therapy may also be effective for treating addictions. Technology may allow patients to obtain the results they need, without the risks associated with prescription medications.
Slowly, but surely, the big tobacco industry has been shrinking. Just recently Philip Morris was shocked by an Indian proposal, which aims to ban foreign tobacco investment. The company and others have been forced to change, due to numerous regulations. Philip Morris International has continued to reiterate that it wishes to create a smoke-free future. The company wants to cater to consumers and provide them with the products they desire, without the harmful compounds found in conventional tobacco products.
For many experts, it may seem like the company is ready to throw in the towel and switch to a high-tech alternative, the e-cigarette. The company actually released an e-cig and ejuice product late in 2016. Will the company actually be able to phase out conventional cigarettes? While the future remains to be seen, it is definitely true that technology has forever changed the world of tobacco. The increased competition from e-cigarettes and the struggle to find a healthier alternative have forced big tobacco to finally do something right!