Footballers and their cars [Infographic]
It is well known that footballers love their cars, but have you ever wondered who owns the most expensive, the fastest and who drives the most unlikely types? Our infographic answers some of these questions and offers an insight into how much the cars cost, if you were to buy them new, along with the low down on how much the players earn each year to put things into perspective, so to speak.
Full of interesting facts and figures the infographic is a must read for football fans and those who love reading about the rich and famous. For those who need to know just how fast some of these cars can reach 60mph we’ve included those figures too. Modifications come as no surprise, with players transforming them vehicles to represent their image, while others have been given cars that are far from flashy to say the least!
Read on to find out what cars past and present top flight players drive, we think you will be surprised at some of their choices. You may also be a little bemused to find out that players whose reputation for sporting the latest fashions doesn’t include their chosen mode of transport. It all makes interesting reading, so take a look below to see if these football players drive the type of car you envisage they would.