Battery performance that’s eco-friendly
The recent Galaxy S7 Note fiasco have once again brought back the perennial eco-friendly discussion to the fore as for batteries in portable devices. Despite all the brouhaha, one must realize to bank on recyclable batteries alone is the safest bet as of now. For recyclable batteries, needn’t be disposed, and are less conducive to environmental hazards, unlike the dry cell batteries. The following are the ways with which you could ensure your recyclable battery won’t emit toxic gas beyond a level and, in turn, blow up like the illuminating Galaxy.
Ways to Ensure Eco-friendly Battery
- Bank on the Ideal Chemical Components
One mustn’t buy a recyclable battery perfunctorily without looking what is in it. Some chemical components like Lithium, for instance, are highly toxic. Lithium explosions had its effects previously as well and nor are they limited to mobile phones alone. Apart from Li-Ion, the other two main constituents in recyclable batteries are NiCd and NiMH. In contrast with NiCD; NiMH batteries, minus cadmium, aren’t susceptible to the so-called “Memory Effect.”
- Charge Appropriately: Fully adhere the Do’s and Don’ts
You mustn’t overcharge a device, or to be precise keep on charging it all the time. Neither you should drain the battery from below a certain level. Depending on the constituents; you might as well follow certain pre-requisites to get the optimal battery performance. This chart from Battery University would give you an inclination as for the do’s and the don’ts of battery charging in concoction with the components.
- Store Batteries by following user manual guidelines
Experts say, rechargeable batteries with Nickel chemistry should be stored in a cool, dry place with at least 40% battery remaining. However, depending on the chemical component in contention this may be subject to variations as well. What the manuals may not necessarily give you are the obvious facts. You must be knowing this, as for how positive and negative terminals shouldn’t be nigh close. And, as to how old batteries and new batteries shouldn’t be mixed up together.
- Buy the best plausible option out there
When it’s up to replacing a drained battery; you must curb the temptation to buy cheap quality alternatives from aftermarkets. And, in turn, entertain thoughts of buying the best, albeit expensive, variants with optimal charge preloaded to conduct tests. More than the brand value itself; it’s these tests which would eventually help you zero in on one or two models that are ideally suited for your requirement.
Why Battery Recycling is important?
Although waste management has been doing the rounds for a long time, there are only a handful of private companies that takes the onus in dumping off dry batteries per se.
Going by the words of Carl E. Smith, CEO of Call2Recycle Inc., “The coming year presents a unique opportunity for the battery recycling industry to step back after years of scurrying around reacting to shifting priorities” for exactly that same reason.
In this respect, the last thing you would want is to paraphrase the perils of dumping off dry cell batteries. Don’t housewives dispose them alongside the kitchen residue in any case?
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Sreejith Mullappilly is an MBA marketing grad, plus a content writing aspirant at A Square Peg in a round hole; he likes to vent his feelings and frustration by writing elaborate blogs especially on Cinema and Sports.