The Transition from Physical to Digital
How digital renderings are replacing physical devices
From Casinos to architecture developments, the digital world is increasing in its content. As such the demand for 3D models and rendering is vital. Understanding how such models and trends are shaping the industry will give us a better understanding on what to expect in technology in the near future.
For the gaming industry
We have already seen that the major casinos are using LED and digital content for their slot machines and for their entertainment. Offering online slots and such is nothing new. Apart from the gambling circuit, gaming has transitioned away from the standard board games and turned almost completely to the mobile device and digital world. One has only to look at the Pokemon Go craze to see this. As such, technology is very apt to cater more to the mobile device user in the future. Yes, there have been some attempts to integrate the real world and the digital world together seamlessly (such as with Google Glass). Yet, until recently the integrations seem to have been a bit flawed. This does not mean that the digital world has been dormant. Rather the opposite, physical devices have been “tested” in digital format to see if such abandonment of the physical is optimal for cost and for efficiency.
The business sector
Where gaming can easily be seen as transitioning to completely digital (as we have the PS4, the WiI-U, and the X-box to thank for that), business integration is a bit subtler. Integrations include 3D walkthroughs of non-constructed buildings, safety tests on products which have not yet been manufactured, virtual conference rooms instead of physical board rooms, and such. From a business perspective, by transitioning to digital from physical, the overhead is reduced and the excuse for getting everyone to one place at one time is eliminated. An engineer can look at the same product on a Tuesday that the finance analyzer can look at on Thursday without having to have multiple meetings at a physical location.
The slow death of the real world
If you do not believe that the digital world has integrated and overtaken the physical world look at the following mainstream digital applications:
- Digital Streaming of Music as opposed to the CD
- Social Networking as opposed to a letter (snail mail)
- Online dating
- Digital Casinos
- Architectural Walkthroughs (as opposed to the standard illustration)
Where there is nothing harmful, in integrating new technology into our world, we must take the time to think about what elements are being lost and which elements are being enhanced. When the digital works as a tool to drive business’s forward while not sacrificing the professionalism of the field, it is a welcome addition. However, if the digital causes for the loss of jobs and makes that field superfluous, it may not be such a great development. It is only with a balance that the physical “real” world will not become subject to a society of mobile technology drones who wait upon the next application to come out to tell us how to live.
Cover Image by Freepik
Author bio:
Douglas Siclari, CEO of the Siclari Studio of Art and Design. With over 15 years in the 3D arts and multimedia world, he has worked with some of the top 3D websites and blogs. He serves as Digital Marketing Consultant for CGTrader, a 3D models marketplace for computer graphics, 3D printing and virtual reality.