The Best Gadgets to Turn Your House into a Smart Home in 2016
More and more tech companies are eager to provide technology we can use to improve our everyday lives – and this includes the way we live in our homes. Though smart tech home goods are relatively new, many of them are promising when it comes to changing the way we live. If you’re the type to get a new smartphone every few months, you should consider upgrading the technology in your household with some of these killer gadgets.
Motion Sensing Power Strips
Motion sensing power strips are more than just a neat gimmick – they can help you cut energy costs. These power strips come loaded with a few conventional outlets for things you’ll need to keep on all the time. The rest are the outlets are for devices considered peripheral devices. If no motion is detected in a room for a period of thirty minutes, the motion sensing power strip will kick them off. You won’t have to worry about whether or not you remembered to turn off the TV before you left for work.
WiFi Thermostats
If it’s really hot outside, you probably can’t wait to cool down. You’ve been out all day running errands, and the sweat is running down your face. You won’t have to wait for the air to kick on after you get home. The house will be nice and cool for you by the time you get there if you have a WiFi thermostat. Many WiFI thermostats will often get to know you over time. This means they’re able to predict your heating and cooling patterns to provide suggestions or automatically switch to your defaults.
Bluetooth Enabled Lightbulbs
Mood lighting can really make a moment, but it’s also expensive to set up. That is, unless you have a Bluetooth lightbulb. These light bulbs can be controlled from your smartphone or tablet, and many of them allow you to choose from the full visible spectrum of sixteen million colors. You’ll be able to set the lighting intensity, and even turn the bulb on and off from your device. Many Bluetooth lightbulbs also come with built-in speakers. If you want a little mood music with your mood lighting, you’ll never have to leave your couch.
Smart Locks
Smart locks may seem like a novel feature in home security, but you’d be surprised how many practical uses they have. Someone’s lost their house key and they can’t get in. Ordinarily, that person would be stuck outside until another member of the household can come to rescue them. Or, they can unlock the door with their phone. Not only do smart locks prevent people from getting locked out, they also serve as a convenience in the dark. You won’t have to dig through your bag for your keys when an app can unlock your deadbolt.
Remote Light Switches
You’re lying in bed reading and you’re ready to call it a night. You’re all curled up in your comfy spot, but you need to get up to turn the light off. What a drag. Bluetooth enabled light switches allow you to turn a light on or off without having to get up. Even if you aren’t using them to laze around, they really come in handy. Why stumble into a dark house with an arm full of grocery bags when you can turn your light on from your driveway?
Many smart home devices solve conundrums we always wished we could solve, but never had the means to. They’re more than just neat gadgets that are fun to show off – they’re modern conveniences that improve the quality of our lives in small ways. It’s worth investing in a few.
Author bio:
James Pointon is an experienced real estate consultant working at OpenAgent. James is also a tech-savvy blogger and enjoys both writing and reading about technology.