QUICKIE Now Supports Video Messages, And More
There was a time where people used phones to message each other and then keep those messages stored. Nowadays, that is not the case anymore – at least, for the majority of people, especially young smartphone users. The goal now is to keep one’s privacy and, for that, messaging services really just need to be able to communicate and, then, erase what was sent.
That is exactly what happens with QUICKIE, a messaging app that does not store messages in any way whatsoever. Reviewed a while ago here on Techno FAQ, this app is freely available for iOS and Android mobile operating systems.
QUICKIE is a very simple app that allows users to send messages in different ways, like texts, audio, drawings and even GIFs captured by the phone’s camera. All this culminates in conversations that go by in a fast and smooth way, even if using different channels, like texting and drawing.
Recently, this app has been updated and this new version brings some interesting features. For example, it now supports video messages which, just like all other messaging methods that QUICKIE offers, vanish right after the recipient has seen them in their entirety.
Another new and useful feature is the possibility to message more than one contact at once. Last but not least, and adding to QUICKIE’s interesting ways to communicate, the service now supports stickers. So, just like what happens with Facebook, users can now communicate with small images that send, themselves, a message. After already supporting GIFs and drawings, the arrival of stickers should help QUICKIE conversations become really fun and engaging.
With this latest update, QUICKIE becomes a serious contender to the “top inventive messaging apps” contest, as it becomes a sort of fusion between Snapchat and Periscope, all in the same app. Be sure to give it a go and download it from the Apple Store and/or from Google Play.