Dear Apple: I’m disappointed
There was a time when the new iPhone was about to come out and everyone I knew, at least the people that were interested in technology, would all wonder and question endlessly, “What’s it going to be like?” and then we’d all be very excited with Apple’s new product.
But now?
The 4S was identical to the 4, aesthetically.
Neither did it bring anything exciting or new to the market.
Everything about the iPhone 5 leaked out.
The same thing’s happening with the iPad mini.
I don’t mind that a lot, but it does kill the excitement.
Anyway, that’s only a portion of my agenda with this article.
I’m a little perturbed. Has Apple given up on innovation?
My qualms with Apple:
The iPhone 4S.
It looks identical to the iPhone 4.
With it came Siri and a dual core processor.
I remained quiet.
The iPhone 5.
A bigger screen (har-de-har), a faster processor, an “updated” camera and for the most part, a similar design.
Sure, it’s going to sell a lot, and it’s already breaking records on preorders, but it’s not what I thought Apple would give us.
Apple has been pioneer and leader of the mobile phone and tablet industry for a very long time.
They’ve come out with some of the most revolutionary products in the history of technology, the iPod, the iPad, the iPhone, the Mac, iTunes.
But when they released the iPhone 5, I was disheartened.
There’s absolutely nothing about it that speaks Apple; it doesn’t radiate that Apple’s a company that takes risks, that they’re always trying to beat their opponents and staying two steps ahead instead of matching them.
Unfortunately, that is what it seems to have become.
Apple is playing catch up with all the Android OEMs.
They’re sticking with a tried and tested formula and the end result is unspectacular.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not calling the new iPhone ugly or a bad phone.
It’s beautiful, but not as innovative as is hoped for from Apple.
Then come the iPad mini rumours. A smaller iPad. The iPad was brilliant, but a new product that’s only different from it by being smaller?
Perhaps I’m mistaken because not a lot has come to light so far.
Update: Yep, that’s what it turned out to be: a smaller 2nd generation iPad.
iOS 6. Facebook integration, a “feature” to set your music as ringtones. Finally? Again, the UI has remained the same for over 6 years.
I’m just thinking out loud, has Apple lost its touch after the passing of Steve Jobs?
I hope not. Where’s the magic? Where’s the ‘wow’ factor?
What do you think? Am I being too harsh on Apple and expecting too much? Or does Apple really need to return to its former innovative self?
— Sachit Shivam
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