
Published on February 20th, 2023 | by Bibhuranjan


IoT in Real Life: How Businesses Can Benefit from Automation

The role of tech solutions in the business world today can’t be underestimated. They are aimed at helping companies to improve and optimize their processes with a view to boosting their performance, increasing the quality of their products and services, and, consequently, getting higher profits. One of the most significant use cases for technologies in the business space is automation. And here is where the Internet of Things (IoT) occupies a very important position.

IoT solutions are actively gaining popularity and are being widely adopted these days. We can make such a conclusion not only based on our everyday observations but also on statistical data. Just compare the following figures. According to the data provided by Statista, the total IoT market worldwide is worth more than $250 billion today while the market size in 2020 was $182 billion. And it is expected that the positive tendency will continue ruling the market as experts believe that this figure will hit the mark of $621 billion in 2030.

In this article, we offer you to have a look at real-life examples that demonstrate how the Internet of Things helps businesses in achieving their goals.

IoT in transport and logistics

IoT is already actively used by many companies that participate in the organization of supply chain processes. GPS modules and RFID tags help logistics specialist to monitor real-life locations of different goods which is important for better planning deliveries, adjusting routes, and organizing further steps of the shipment process. Smart package tracking is vital for increasing the security of goods as well as confidence from the side of clients.

Moreover, smart devices are useful for managing the fleet, tracking the tech state of vehicles, as well as controlling the safety of the driving style of each employee.

IoT in farming

Smart IoT solutions for the agricultural industry help farmers in increasing both the quality and quantity of their products. Agritech apps that are connected to smart devices powered by various sensors provide farmers with valuable insights regarding weather conditions, air temperature, humidity, the state of the soil, etc. All this data can be used for better detection of the necessary measures that should be undertaken to ensure the highest quality of the harvest.

Thanks to smart systems, it is possible to automate various processes like watering or spraying not only in the fields but also in greenhouses where farmers can also rely on IoT solutions that can fully control lighting, temperature, and other parameters.

In livestock farming, IoT devices are applied for tracking the location of animals as well as biometric monitoring.

IoT in retail

The most important benefit that supermarkets can enjoy thanks to smart devices is a better understanding of what their customers need. In other words, the data collected by smart devices help to define patterns in client behavior, preferences, needs, and interests. Moreover, special sensors placed on shelves and other trading equipment can notify employees when some products are out of stock.

It is interesting to mention that IoT systems can also make a contribution to the personalization of buyer experience. For example, they can be used for sending location-based ad messages or in-house advertising. Special smart indicators (beacons) can detect devices located nearby. Based on the location of the smartphones, applications can automatically send users relevant promotions and special deals that are available in the nearest supermarket.

Industrial IoT (IIoT)

In manufacturing, there are a lot of issues that can be improved with the introduction of IoT solutions. Already today, a lot of factories and plants start implementing IoT tools in their processes in order to increase their productivity.

One of the most important use cases of IoT is predictive maintenance which helps to define any potential problems with equipment beforehand and avoid serious downtime and huge expenses in the future.

Moreover, thanks to continuous monitoring of all the steps of production, it is possible to optimize them, automate many monotonous tasks, and reduce the risks of human mistakes. Thanks to automation, enterprises can work practically in a 24/7 regime.

Internet of Medical Things (IoMT)

IoT can also help to greatly increase the quality of medical services that we have today. Smart IoT devices and wearables can conduct real-time monitoring of vital parameters of patients which helps doctors to track the general state of people fully remotely. Thanks to this possibility a lot of lives can be saved.

Also, smart devices can accumulate important data such as sugar level, blood pressure, heart rate, etc. This data can be further accessed by doctors for a better understanding of the history of illness and finding the most appropriate treatment.

Final word

Of course, the list of the mentioned use cases is not a full one. In reality, there are much more examples of using IoT in different industries. The main idea here is to understand that IoT solutions can help to facilitate a lot of tasks of different types, to automate processes, and to reduce operating costs. That’s exactly what businesses need to successfully achieve their goals.

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Editorial Officer, I'm an avid tech enthusiast at heart. I like to mug up on new and exciting developments on science and tech and have a deep love for PC gaming. Other hobbies include writing blog posts, music and DIY projects.

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