The Dos and Don’ts of Buying Ink Cartridges Online
Have you ever considered purchasing ink cartridges online? There are quite a few benefits to buying Brother ink cartridges online, not the least of which is the convenience and price. Buying ink cartridges online can be tricky, as there are many things to consider before you take the plunge and order. Luckily, we’ve written a list of dos and don’ts to help you make sure you get the ink cartridge you need without any hiccups along the way. Follow these tips, and you’ll end up with the right ink cartridge every time.
Do Know Your Printer Model
Don’t just purchase a cartridge because it has the same shape as the one in your printer. Some manufacturers produce printers with different ink cartridge shapes but use the same manufacturer codes for compatibility purposes. In some cases, those shapes work better than others so even if you get the correct shape from another supplier, it might not work in your printer!
Do make sure that you check their return policy to find out how long they’ll let you keep them before requiring a refund.
Do Check Printer Reviews
Before you buy ink cartridges online, it’s important to do your research. Reading customer reviews from sites like Amazon can tell you if a particular printer is a good purchase or not. You can also use these reviews to find out about possible problems with the product or concerns that other buyers have. For example, many printer manufacturers sell cartridges separately, which makes finding low prices difficult; some companies will offer money-back guarantees if you buy a new printer from them so make sure to look for those as well.
Do Buy Generic Brands
Buying a generic brand is always a good choice because the quality usually meets or exceeds that of the name brands. Generic ink cartridges are especially cost-effective because you can purchase them in bulk for an even better price! The reason for the discrepancy in pricing comes down to economies of scale: as large companies, it’s more expensive for them to manufacture new printer models every year than it is for small print cartridge manufacturers who only produce one type per model.
#1: It’s important to note that buying generic ink cartridges from unknown sources may not be reliable. If you plan on buying printer supplies online, make sure they’re reputable!
Don’t Forget to Turn Off Your Computer
To ensure your new ink cartridge arrives at your doorstep safely and sound, be sure to disable any wireless connections before ordering online. It may seem like a trivial step, but we often forget to do it. Plus, the small price you save on shipping could make up for the inconvenience if you forgot to turn off your Wi-Fi and someone accesses your private information while out on delivery.
When placing an order online, don’t wait until you are nearly out of ink or all out of ink. Unfortunately, there isn’t a way to tell how much ink is left in the cartridge when buying it through our website. The best we can do is estimate how many prints will be remaining depending on what printer model you are using with your old cartridge.
Don’t Pay Extra For Next-Day Delivery
Don’t pay extra for next-day delivery when buying ink cartridges online. Paying extra will inflate the price, which might turn off some shoppers. The only time you should pay for next-day delivery is if your current cartridge is out and it’s not a weekend or holiday, or if you are running low on ink and need to buy a backup right away. This way, your printer can still be used until the new cartridge arrives, but only after you research how to install a replacement cartridge. If you are hesitant about this, call your local store to ask what they recommend in this situation before placing an order online.