Email Phishing Attacks Types
Technology connects today’s world in such a way that everything can be accessed you’re your smartphone. You can be sitting in one part of the world and access servers in another part of the world seamlessly.
Moreover, everything is available on the cloud, and you do not really need physical storage disks when you can store your data on various cloud services. However, there are risks attached to these developments.
Many businesses operate on social media and rely on digital connectivity. Cybersecurity is thus of critical importance for these businesses as any untoward event might lead to a breach. Not only does a cybersecurity attack damage a business but it also wrecks the public’s trust in the said company.
The importance of cybersecurity cannot be overstated in such circumstances, for both the individuals and companies. However, there are many people who have a lackadaisical attitude towards ensuring online security.
This article is not only meant to educate you regarding the types of email phishing attacks but is also aimed at reiterating the significance of taking cybersecurity measures.
Why does cybersecurity matter?
You probably use some sort of digital device or solution in your daily life. These could be cloud services for social media to password managers for securing data. Now, you may ask how safe are password managers or the cloud services?
This is where cybersecurity comes in and ensures that whatever we do online is secured from prying eyes and nefarious designs.
Cybersecurity matters because it prevents hackers from stealing your data. If you carry sensitive data on your computer, a hacker who infiltrates the system can then resort to using your personal data to impersonate you. Not only can this lead to financial losses but it can also significantly damage your reputation.
Moreover, hackers can also take over the control of your system and ask for ransom in return for wresting control. This is called ransomware.
Hackers use various tactics to gain control of your computing device through malware and hold it until you pay up.
In a world where digital devices are ubiquitous, you simply cannot afford to lose control of your system to hackers.
Furthermore, as suggested above, if you have banking information on your computer or smartphone, and it gets breached, you could potentially lose all your money.
Banking information should be kept safe from hackers lest it be used to cause you financial damages. A lot of people use banking apps on their smartphones and even save passwords on their desktop browsers.
It is easy for the hackers to target such unsuspecting people. So, if you do the same, you definitely need to take preventive measures.
What are the types of email phishing attacks?
Let us now get into the greater details about email phishing and how these are used to gain sensitive data about users.
Basically, phishing allows an attacker that tries to gain access to a person’s sensitive information through deceptive means. The email that appears in your inbox might appear to be legit, it might not be. Phishing emails provide hackers gateways to enter your systema and steal data.
It is one of the most common types of cybersecurity attacks, therefore, you should pay attention and learn to recognize the types.
Bulk phishing
The name says it all. The attacker doesn’t target anyone in specific, rather they send out bulk emails to a wide number of people to see how many people fall for their ploy.
Hackers obtain email addresses of their potential targets for bulk phishing through a centralized database. Once the hackers have the contact details, they send them an email that appears genuine, but really is not. Those who click on the link provided in the mail then have their accounts compromised.
Spear phishing and whaling
Spear phishing is aimed at people while whaling is directed at high-level officials who are usually in a better financial situation than the general public.
Customized emails containing personal information of the target are sent to convince them of its authenticity. Usually, the targets in whaling attempts are hard to swindle, but there is still a possibility that they may fall for the trap.
Spear phishing and whaling involves more sophisticated approach.
Clone phishing
Clone phishing can be lethal, especially if you are not good at distinguishing between authentic emails and malicious emails.
With clone phishing the attackers usually replicate an authentic email but substitute its attachment with malware. Oftentimes, clone phishing follows the seizure of the authentic account by the attackers.
These three are the most common types of email phishing attacks and that lead to serious data breaches and even financial losses for the victims. With a little awareness and practice, you can minimize the risk of falling prey to these phishing attempts.
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