
Published on May 16th, 2022 | by Ali Dino


What to Look For When Buying a Torch

Nature hikes, cave exploration, camping out under the stars or simply looking for the pen that rolled under your bed, all require the assistance of a reliable and powerful torch. The torch has been one of our most trusted allies of all time (many of us since we were young), giving us eyes through the darkness, easing our fears of the unseen, and illuminating our paths since the late 1800s.  

The advancements of the humble torch have ensured humans have vision no matter what environment they are in. From an oil-burning naked flame to the incandescent bulb, and finally, the invention of the LED globe, lighting the way with torches has assisted all forms of activity. The dangers of the past versions are gone, with LED globes providing more energy efficiency and much lower heat emissions, making torches in Australia safer than they have ever been.

The ‘One-size-fits-all’ approach really can’t be relied upon in the case of torches, as there are a number of factors to think about before purchasing one. Let’s discuss some of these options so that you can find the best and most appropriate torch for your next adventure.

Types of Torches

Depending on the adventure or activity you are about to partake in, there are a number of different torch varieties to suit. 

Everyday Torches

Hand-held everyday torches such as Fenix rechargeable LED torches Australia, are widely used for their durability, performance, and longevity. LED torches are lightweight yet durable, which is ideal for multi-purpose activities in your home and the outdoors. Because these flashlights are rechargeable, you won’t have to worry about batteries, which not only helps the environment but saves you money.

LED torches come in a range of sizes, materials, and lumens (amount of light given off), and are a fantastic option for possible emergency situations, where quick and reliable light is essential. 

Minus the drama, these torches are also perfect for more fun activities such as camping, fishing, bushwalking, and any other adventure you can think of. Even building a cubby house in the loungeroom will benefit from the inclusion of an LED torch.

LED Lanterns

Lanterns have been illuminating the dark for centuries. Nowadays LED lanterns are a cheap and long-lasting alternative to past outdoor lighting options. With rechargeable functions and standing or hanging options, LED lanterns are ideal for use in outdoor and indoor settings, where lighting is minimal, or where your surroundings are unknown. Projecting light 360 degrees, LED lanterns are the perfect choice for most activities and are a safer choice than candles or kerosene garden torches.

Headlamps and Hands-Free

For hobbies and activities where you need your hands for other purposes, LED headlamps are a great choice. They provide a hands-free approach to torches, fitting securely to your forehead, and lighting up the areas in front of, and around you. Cave exploration, fishing, hunting, rock-climbing, or any activity where your hands are needed, (but so is an LED torch) can be made easier with an LED headlamp.

Car Lamps

If you find yourself in car trouble at night, there is a range of under-the-bonnet car lamps you can find from most LED torch suppliers in Australia. These lamps easily hook underneath your hood, providing you with vital light in emergency situations, or even just for tinkering with your car in a dimly lit garage. 

Battery Types For Touches

Having a torch is great when you’re in the middle of nowhere, but how long do you expect it to last? You want the answer to be a long time, so here’s a rundown of how the most common two battery types stack up against each other.


A widely known and used battery type is Alkaline. Alkaline batteries can be used for a number of medium-powered objects, as they have a high-current output and relatively stable temperature tolerance. Under certain conditions though, these batteries can corrode and leak, causing equipment failure and damage. 

Lithium/ Lithium Rechargeable 

Lithium batteries are a little more expensive than alkaline, but what you’re paying for are quality and endurance. Lithium batteries have an increased energy storage density and can handle high current devices with a steadier power flow, better than alkaline. 

They can also handle low temperatures making them ideal for outdoor use. Lithium batteries have a low risk of leakage, making them ideal for use in more expensive equipment and they’re lighter than alkaline making them ideal for torches. 

The most environmentally-friendly choice that still gives you optimum voltage (and maximum life), would be the range of lithium rechargeable batteries. Rechargeable batteries are ideal for optimal safety because they limit short circuits, and can control temperature stability amid heat fluctuations, (meaning they perform better than alkaline batteries in the majority of circumstances). 

A Torch For Every Occasion

There are quite literally thousands of LED torches on the market, designed for hundreds of different activities. Choosing the right one can be the difference between a great experience, and a dark and gloomy disaster. 

Whether it be night-fishing, a camping trip with friends, deep cave exploration, or simply a game of hide-and-seek in the dark with the kids, a good reliable LED torch is essential to kick off your next adventure. 

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