Company To Repair Washing Machines
The laundry has been washed and wrung, it’s ready to hang, but the washing machine won’t open. Many housewives and husbands know this problem but do not know how to solve it. You can immediately contact a reliable company to repair washing machines or deal with the problem yourself. Usually, there are two quite different reasons for this problem. What they are, we explain in the following article.
The Washing Machine Does Not Open – This May Be the Reason
Why does a washing machine not open? The most common reason is that there is still water in the machine. The fact that water is not pumped out of the machine may be due to a clogged lint filter, a broken pump, or a clogged drain hose. If the device fails to pump out water for one of these reasons, the sensor prevents the washing machine door from being opened. This is also true because if the door could be opened, water would leak through the bathroom or kitchen.
The washing machine does not open because of a mechanical fault? In this case, the door lock is almost always defective. In this case, force is not a solution because it can not open the door.
The Pump is Broken
If you can clearly see water in the washing machine, you are probably glad that it cannot be opened. To determine if this is due to the pump, you should once again set the washing machine to the “pump out water” program. If the program is successful and it pumps out the water, the washer can usually be opened again without any problems. If the pump is defective, it is advisable to contact a professional.
If the lint filter or the end hose is clogged, even repeated pumping will not help. In this case, the water must be drained manually so that the machine can be opened.
Draining the Water Manually
To drain the water from the washer manually, you must pull out the extra hose near the lint filter. Another way to drain the water is to open the strainer itself gently. In either case, it is important to have a large bowl, tub, or bucket on hand, as large amounts of water can pour out of the machine. If the washer is on the floor, draining the water is often a problem because there is no room for a bowl or bucket. This is where a tray can come to the rescue. When there is no more water in the machine, the door can be opened again without problems.
Drain Hose Clogged
The washing machine does not open because the drain hose or the so-called siphon is clogged? You can quickly check this yourself. In doing so, you should pay attention to whether there are no kinks in the hose which interfere with the flow of water. If there is a clog, you can try to loosen it, for example, by blowing or using a syringe aspirator. Those who aren’t confident enough to do so can call in a professional, who will usually fix the damage quickly. To do this, unscrew the end hose from the trap and flush it once vigorously, after
which it should no longer be difficult to open the door.
The Washing Machine Does Not Open – When is a Repair Due?
Washing machine repair is not necessary in every case. However, if the problem of the washing machine, not opening occurs again, then it is time to contact a professional to take a look at the device.
The washing machine does not open because the door lock is defective With this problem, it is important to know whether it is an electronic or a
mechanical door lock. No matter which of the two locks it is, the first thing to do is to disconnect the washing machine from the power supply.
If the washing machine is equipped with an electronic door lock, the door will open when the washing machine runs out of power. If after a few minutes it still does not open, a light tap on the so-called locking pin may help. However, this is not a reason to rejoice, as the lock is subject to replacement. For this, it is best to contact a repair service.