
Published on September 25th, 2021 | by Bibhuranjan


6 Things You Need to Do When You Move Into Your New Office

It’s the day you’ve been anxiously waiting for—it’s moving day for your company! All of that effort of packing and preparing is going to pay off as you transfer all of your things into your new place.

While this is an exciting day, it can also feel pretty stressful and a bit overwhelming. There are so many things that need to be done, and it can be challenging trying to decide where to start. But don’t stress it! Here are the top 6 things you should do when you move into your new office.

1. A Quick Clean Up

First things first, a quick clean-up will serve you well. Hopefully, the previous tenants had things cleaned, but that’s not always the case. Consider your office space and what kind of cleaning you’ll want to do before setting up and unpacking. Perhaps supplies for the bathroom, items to clean a kitchen (if you have one), and whatever you need to spruce up the floors and furniture will be well worth it.

2. Set Up Your Internet Connection

Next, you’ll want to make sure you have your internet set up. It will be near impossible to get any work done if you don’t have reliable internet, so this should be pretty high up on your list of priorities. You deserve the best, and Utah’s top internet provider for businesses is an easy route to take. Give yourself peace of mind knowing that you’ll have consistent internet to keep your team working hard.

3. Prioritize What to Unpack

The next item of business is determining what to unpack first. Sure, The team pictures and motivational posters are fun, but the computer monitors and desks should probably have a higher priority placed on them. That way, if you’re not able to get the office completely set up on day one, you at least have the essentials all set.

4. Update Everything

Perhaps one of the most important, albeit tedious, things that you’ll need to do is update everything that has to do with your business address. Bank account, insurance policies, mobile food ordering apps, you know, the important stuff. You’ll be so happy you got this out of the way quickly.

5. Order In

Speaking of mobile food ordering apps, don’t stress about putting together a lunch to bring from home. You’ll be too busy to think about assembling or heating up anything. It’s worth it to just order some food in so that you’re not having to take too long of a break with all of your office setup. You deserve it.

6. Make Introductions

And last but not least, if there are other offices around you, go around and introduce yourself. People will be happy to know who the new company is that’s moving in. That way, if there’s ever mail that gets sent to the wrong office or someone that is lost in the building looking for your office, people will know where to send them.

Cover Image by Freepix

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Editorial Officer, I'm an avid tech enthusiast at heart. I like to mug up on new and exciting developments on science and tech and have a deep love for PC gaming. Other hobbies include writing blog posts, music and DIY projects.

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