10 Tips For Homeowners Regarding Septic Cleaning
If you learn to maintain your septic tank to keep it in perfect condition, you’ll ensure it continues to function as it should. You’ll even prolong its life in doing so. Keeping this fact in mind, this write-up aims to provide you several helpful tips from the experts of Septic Blue – a company with decades of experience in septic cleaning.
1. Never go in
Indeed, one should always refrain from entering a septic tank. There are gases present inside that are toxic. If you have a reason to believe there’s a problem, you should contact a professional.
2. Regular pumping
According to specialists for greywater tank pump out brisbane, congested drain fields are the primary cause of malfunctioning or failing or a septic tank system. You may encounter many advertisements claiming that the biological or chemical products they sell will be enough to clean the tank. In reality, the only option is to do it manually.
3. Water consumption levels
Usually, designers of septic tanks create them in such a way that they’re able to manage only a specific amount of water. Also, builders suggest installing tanks depending on the number of inhabitants. You need to adjust a few things if water consumption increases for any reason.
3. Water conservation
It goes without saying that water conservation is of the utmost importance these days. Nobody should use even a drop more than they need. According to Happy Tanks, a water tank cleaning nz company, water conservation techniques will increase the overall lifespan of your tank as it reduces agitation. If you regulate your water usage, the solid waste will remain at the bottom. Two excellent ways of conserving water include using showers instead of bathtubs and front-loading washing machines instead of top-loading variants.
4. Read the labels
If you’re going to drop something in your toilet, remember to read the label. Providers of septic cleaning services always remind their clients to do so. Some products actually have these words printed on the label “septic system friendly.” You should look for it before pulling the flush.
5. Strainers in sinks
If you’re going to pour liquid substances containing something solid or semi-solid into the kitchen sink, remember to use a strainer. Additionally, those who own garbage disposal units shouldn’t use them regularly. After all, this particular machine can increase the solids in the septic tank by 50%.
6. The locations
It’s in your best interest to know the precise location of your tank and drain field. Continue reading to find out why.
- You can save both time and money if you’re aware of the locations of your drain field and tank. You’ll be able to point the technicians in the right direction when they arrive to work on your drainage system.
- You must always keep the drain-field free from shrubs, trees, roots, storm water runoff, and freestanding water. These things will damage the drain field or prevent it from operating properly.
- You must avoid driving heavy vehicles or equipment over the drain field. Otherwise, you’ll damage the area and even cause an entire system failure.
- Remember to ask the installers and technicians to pump the tank through the main manhole in the center instead of the smaller baffle inspection areas.
- Store at least one copy of the new sewage system permit and the application in a safe place. You can turn to them in the future if you need references.
7. Avoid these
Refrain from indulging in these harmful practices or using these products.
- Cooking oils and grease
- Makeup removers, makeup products, and baby wipes
- Oil, petroleum-based substances, and gasoline
- Paint, solvents, and paint thinning agents
- Anything containing a lot of phosphorus
- Too much bleach, anti-bacterial agents, or concentrated cleaners
8. Remember to pump
Indeed, you must remember to pump the tank, and you also have to know when to do it. Most residential units are capable of holding drainage sludge for about two years. If you start using showers, appliances, laundries, or toilets more than necessary for any reason, you’ll need to pump the tank more frequently.
9. The five-year rule
The tank size won’t be of any consequence if you spend longer than five years without pumping the tank.
Final considerations
If you stick to the guidelines described above, you’ll increase the life of your septic system. Don’t hesitate to call us at Septic Blue for the best septic pumping in Lawrenceville. For more details, feel free to contact us!