What should you know to check car mileage
When you are going to buy a used car, one of the main things you need to pay attention to is the mileage of the vehicle. Unfortunately, not all sellers are ready to provide reliable information. Some of them seek to change the odometer readings in order to deceive an inexperienced buyer and earn more money. Read this article to be more prepared for buying a used car.
Why do car owners change the odometer readings at all? In the first case, the seller is trying to make his car more fresh. It is advantageous for him that you have the impression of the good condition of the various systems of the vehicle and of economical fuel consumption. It happens somewhat less often that sellers intentionally increase the mileage. This is done in order to create the illusion of reliability and durability. In fact, most likely, during operation, you will reveal hidden damage.
There are several ways to roll back the odometer. Some not honest motorists can simply disassemble the dashboard and set the numbers to the value they need. In addition, there have long been specially developed programs for electronic odometers that allow you to change their readings. Some companies even earn money in order to simplify the task of scammers in this way.
Before using the tips to combat fraud during the purchase of a car, imagine possible losses due to ignorance of the real mileage. Usually a car with a large mileage automatically implies a lower price on the market. If you find out the real mileage, in the future you will have to sell the car for much less money than you spent on its purchase. In addition, there is a possibility that you will have to pay insurance premiums for a larger amount than you initially assumed. You need to be prepared even for the fact that a decision will be made to cancel your insurance.
Fortunately, there are quite effective ways to prevent these unpleasant consequences. First, do not forget to check the VIN of the vehicle. This number is unique for each car, and therefore you will know exactly the information about the vehicle that you are planning to purchase. You can use EpicVIN’s free odometer check to get valuable data on validity of a used car, its history and current market value. In addition, you will find out whether there was a rollback of the odometer during any period of operation.
Do not hesitate to ask the owner for the documents for the car. Pay attention to whether they are originals or just copies. The fact is that some sellers do not stop at rolling back the mileage, they can completely forge copies of documents. In this way, they can, for example, hide some information about repairs and damages. Therefore, it is better to forget about the rush and carefully read every document that the seller gave you. Of particular interest to you is the service book. Good craftsmen most often note the current mileage after performing scheduled maintenance.
You can also use electronic equipment. But keep in mind that this method is not the most reliable and will only help if the fraudster himself changed the indicators without the help of expensive equipment that can change information in all control systems at once.
Contact a professional mechanic who has sufficient experience working with cars. The skills of a professional will be very useful to you if you want to find out what condition the various parts of the vehicle are in now. The mechanic will be able to determine how long ago the tires, oil were changed and whether a large-scale repair was carried out. This information will help you understand whether there was a rollback of the odometer or the seller offers a really honest deal. Refuse to buy if the seller categorically refuses to show the car to the mechanic. Most likely, he has many reasons to hide some information.
There are a few more details that you can check without help. Take a closer look at whether fingerprints are visible on the inside of the glass protecting the odometer. Their presence may indicate hacking. During the test drive, pay attention to whether the odometer numbers are switched. If you have traveled a sufficient distance, and the indicators remain the same, you can not believe the previous information.
Look at the pedals and floor mats. If they are very dirty and worn, it means that the car was used a lot and often. Accordingly, the odometer data can not be small in any way.
You can draw similar conclusions from the external condition of the seats. Few people change the seats in the car, they can be considered a reliable indicator of its age.
Many people naively believed that soon there would be no cases of odometer rollback on the market, especially with the advent of electronic odometers. Unfortunately, we must remember that trading is often associated with deception or fraud. If you are planning to buy a used car, it is impossible to completely exclude the possibility of a bad deal. Therefore, it is better to take note of the tips we have indicated and try to approach the purchase carefully. This will help you determine whether the odometer readings correspond to reality and whether it makes sense to buy the chosen vehicle.
Cover Photo by Mike from Pexels