Why Should You Hire a Specialized Paraquat Lawsuit Lawyer?
If you or a loved one have suffered or developed any serious condition like Parkinson’s disease due to Paraquat exposure, you need a specialized Paraquat lawsuit lawyer. A Paraquat lawsuit can help by providing financial compensations and cover any lost wages and medical expenses. Paraquat lawyers will help you assess if you have a legal right to damages based on your case and be your partner at every step in pursuing the lawsuit and achieving your claim consequently.
What Is Paraquat?
Paraquat is a highly toxic defoliant used for farming to kill weeds. Although it is banned in more than 30 countries, it has found popularity amongst the farming community in the United States in the last two decades.
Here are some of the products that contain Paraquat dichloride: Cyclone, Crisquat, Dexuron, Dextron, Gramoxone, Gramuron, Gramixel, Ortho Weed, Herbaxone, and Spot Killer (Ortho Paraquat), Quick-Quat, and Pathclear.
Paraquat Dichloride can also be used by mixing it with other most common herbicides as weeds become more resistant to commonly used pesticides.
Why is Paraquat Hazardous?
Paraquat is classified as a restricted-use pesticide, so only trained and certified applicators are approved to apply it. It is highly toxic and is considered too dangerous for the use of the common public. Still, those who live in the proximity of industrial or agricultural farms also have high risks of Paraquat exposure.
Paraquat was introduced in the United States in the early 1960s. It showed a small warning about its deadly effects, but after several deaths were reported and linked to it, some safety measures were added to mitigate its hazards.
According to the Unified Parkinson’s Advocacy Council, proofs showcase chronic Paraquat exposure augments the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease 2 to 6 times. This herbicide has been seen to lead to Parkinson’s disease, and it comes with many other deadly side effects. Health problems related to Paraquat may also include:
- Augmented Risk of Developing Parkinson’s Disease
- Muscle Tissue Necrosis
- Lung Damage
- Skin Abrasions
- Kidney Failure
- Respiratory Failure
- First-degree Burns
- Organ Failure by Inhalation
- Higher Incidence of Cancer after Exposure
- Eye Damage
Despite all the knowledge and data against Paraquat and its hazardous nature, very little or no effort is being made to protect those who are knowingly or unknowingly exposed to this toxic element and contact deadly ailments or the consumers.
Who Needs a Paraquat Lawsuit Lawyer?
Paraquat refers to a toxic herbicide used as a pesticide. It is restricted, and only licensed appliers can apply or supervise the application of the pesticide.
Although the litigation is currently limited to licensed applicators or their workers, if you or your loved one is exposed to Paraquat and subsequently diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, you can file a legal claim.
By the legal suit, you or your loved ones may get compensation to cover the financial expenses of medical treatments, lost wages, etc.
As there is no treatment for Parkinson’s disease, the ailment requires extensive, life-long medical care. It is not only expensive, but it also requires a lot of financial power to continue the treatment.
This disorder can drain your resources in no time and make you down and out, leaving you suffering for no fault of yours.
Once you appoint a reputed legal firm, you can consult and gain the assistance of a lawsuit lawyer with years of combined legal expertise. They are well equipped to give you and your case the full personalized attention it deserves.
What Should You Do?
If you or someone in your family is exposed to the toxic Paraquat and diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, please contact an expert Paraquat Lawsuit Lawyer. They will help you assess if you have a legal right to damages based on your case and be your partner at every step in pursuing the lawsuit and achieving your claim consequently.