What’s The Procedure To Register Your Cannabis Company?
Almost 4,000 years ago, Chinese Emperor Shen Nung, also referred to as the Father of Traditional Chinese Medicine, inscribed in The Great Herbal book that cannabis can possess abstract powers for absentmindedness, gout problems, and rheumatism, among others.
Forward to today, you can buy a fast-developing lineup of CBD products, i.e., Sour Apple Strain both in-person and online, at in-luxury celebrity-owned boutiques and convenience stores, all across the US and the world as well.
There are plenty of opportunities to join the cannabis industry, but if you, as an entrepreneur, would like to operate and own an establishment in the legitimate cannabis supply chain, please note that your company’s details won’t just appear in the government’s files. You’ll need to register your cannabis company first. The post below has all the details you need to carry out this process successfully.
Brief Introduction to CBD
CBD, or cannabidiol in long-form, is one of the over 100 compounds in the Cannabis sativa plant. It’s non-psychoactive, i.e., it won’t get you high, like its cousin THC (delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol). Unlike marijuana, harvesters extract cannabidiol from industrial hemp. This weed plant variety must have less than 0.3% THC on a dry heaviness base that farmers must till under a USDA-approved license.
Cannabidiol boasts several health benefits such as it may treat:
- Obesity
- Diabetes
- Parkinson’s disease
- Cancer
- Arthritis
- Diabetes
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Acne
- Depression
CBD Industry by the Figures
Primarily due to the benefits above, user fascination around cannabidiol items has been consistently rising since 2016. EAZE, a San Francisco-based weed delivery platform, named 2018 the ‘breakout year’ for CBD. In this same year, the number of US cannabidiol users increased from 2.6% to 4.8%.
A study by Consumer Review reveals over a quarter of individuals in the US admit to having used CBD once in the past two years. That’s sensible as manufacturers infuse cannabidiol oil in plenty of items across the board, particularly in the beauty, wellness, beverage, and food industries.
From CBD topicals to CBD bath bombs, consumers currently have a load of cannabidiol items to try. Experts expect the retail market for CBD items in the US to reach $16 billion, up from $2 billion in 2018. Compound the above information because, among those aware of cannabidiol, 80% uphold its usage. CBD is an assuring niche for beginning an enterprise.
Steps on Listing Your Cannabis Organization
Listing an organization means taking the steps required to create an entity for your cannabis business in a state and receive the licenses and permits needed to conduct the enterprise. Here’s the procedure to registering your cannabis company:
1. Select and Set Aside a Company Name
You’ll have to select a name for your organization after looking through the state’s database of names used by organizations created in the state and companies formed in other states that have been eligible to carry out business there.
To avoid a mix-up, state rules forbid two organizations from having the same names, so think of alternatives you’re willing to use should your main pick be unavailable.
Image source: https://unsplash.com/photos/5fNmWej4tAA
2. Create a Business Entity
An attorney can advise you concerning if it’s sensible for you to carry out your establishment as a limited liability company (LLC), sole proprietorship, corporation, limited partnership (LP), or a general partnership (GP).
Image source: https://unsplash.com/photos/KdeqA3aTnBY
3. Get a Federal EIN
You’ll have to file a simple document with the IRS to get a federal Employer Identification Number (EIN) for your organization. This is the equal of a Social Security figure to spot your company for federal tax purposes.
Image source: https://unsplash.com/photos/8YG31Xn4dSw
4. Learn Your State Tax Directives
If your cannabis company will have workers or will be gathering sales tax from clients, you’ll need to get tax registrations from the states where you carry out business and where your workers live. You must check with your state to confirm if a state tax identification digit is required.
5. Receive Tax Permits and Business Licences
Your organization may require business licenses or permits to function in the cities and towns with manufacturing or storage facilities. Moreover, you will need local tax permits if those cities and towns levy business taxes, stores or manufacturing or storage facilities, and offices.
You may need licenses at the federal, state, and local ranges depending on your type of business.
6. Apply and Register Your Establishment Mark and Trademark
If necessary, please consider shielding your company logos, name, and slogans by applying for a federal trademark. You could also consider registering your trademark on a state range which is ordinarily easier, quicker, and less costly.
7. Carry Out Annual Filings and Permit Renewals
The local and state rules require most organizations to periodically renew their tax and other registrations and file annual reports. Ensure that you comprehend the regulations of your municipality and state for your establishment adheres to all the administering rules.
Image source: https://unsplash.com/photos/V7dZJybxhgc
Cannabis is a venture that’s worth investing in. Research, as well as statistics, prove this point. Congratulations on choosing to invest in the MJ industry. Now, the only hurdle left is for you to register your company which, considering the milestones you’ve overcome to get your business where it currently is, isn’t much of a challenge to you. Just follow the steps above to the latter, be committed, and most importantly, believe in yourself and your business.