How To Know When You Should Update Your Code
Coders do their best to make their coding evergreen, but no matter how meticulously you construct your code, it will inevitably need to be updated at some point. Here are six things that can help you know when you should update your code.
1. Utilize Code Analysis Tools
Tools for everything from Python analysis to Javascript static analysis are available for you to use to keep an eye on the consistency and usability of your code. These tools can be used to analyze your code before you execute it or release products utilizing it. Instead of testing manually for bugs and mistakes, analysis tools provide much more holistic monitoring, including ensuring your code is aligned with your standards, its readability and its consistency. Code analysis tools allow you to quickly and efficiently review your code at any time.
2. Consider What Your Code Is For
One of the most important tools for determining when your code will need to be updated is thinking about what the code is for. Different programs and products will require different lifecycles and update schedules. For example, while a smartphone may require software updates every few months, a cybersecurity program should be reviewed and patched much more frequently to ensure its continued effectiveness against various cyberattacks. Once you know the general frequency of code updates for products similar to yours, you can determine the best update schedule for your product.
3. Plot Out Your Software’s Lifecycle
If you have at least a general idea of your software’s lifecycle when you develop the product, you’ll also have a better idea of when your code will require updates. Depending on your needs, there are many lifecycle templates available, including agile, where the software is continually developed and improved, usually in two week long increments called sprints. In agile development, the basic structure of the product’s lifecycle is plotted out at the beginning of the project, but depending on testing and user feedback, planned updates may be changed and new ones may be added. In other lifecycles, such as waterfall development, the update schedule is plotted out entirely before development begins. The lifecycle template you utilize will depend on your organizational and product needs and wishes.
4. Follow Best Practices for Your Coding Language
When you decide which programming language to use for your software, you should also check the best practices for that coding language. Following best practices helps ensure your code will last as long as is feasible without an update. It also means you’ll be better prepared to make updates when they are required. If you do need to go off script for any reason, be sure to make a note of that in your company’s standards guide or in comments in the code itself so future programmers are aware of the differences.
5. Check Your Code’s Reusability
In most cases, you don’t need to rewrite your entire code from scratch. Instead, you can develop your initial code with reusability in mind and then release patches for your software and programs that contain coding updates. This way, you can save money on developing products and codes, while also ensuring your code is able to be modified quickly and easily. In most cases, the customer can simply download and apply your software patch.
6. Monitor User Feedback
If you notice more users starting to log complaints or queries about issues accessing certain parts of your website or using certain software products, then it’s probably time to take a look at your programs’ coding and determine what parts of it require updates. Remember, this tool provides you with definitive proof that your code is out-of-date or faulty, but it is also risky because allows your customers to experience usability issues, so be careful with how you implement this tool.
Remember, different coding languages and programs powered by those codes will have different requirements regarding when they need to be updated and best practices regarding updates.