
Published on January 27th, 2021 | by Sunit Nandi


Are We Going to See an Improvement to VR Casinos in 2021?

Virtual Reality is one of the most exciting technologies sweeping the world right now. With a multitude of uses already, and near-limitless potential in the future, suffice to say nearly every sector with its ear to the ground will want to try and harness the innovation in the years to come. One such industry hoping to take things to the next level by offering VR services is the casino industry – which has already made huge strides forward in 2020. However, with the technology always improving, what could VR casinos look like by the end of 2021?

Current VR Casino Experiences

While there are some options at your disposal currently, VR technology still very much remains a niche and new-fangled concept to many consumers. Over time, society will surely warm to the idea of it, but some forward-thinking casinos do already offer such services despite the obvious obstacles.

The advantages of VR casinos are clear, even to those who still aren’t entirely familiar with how VR works. Players are dropped onto the casino floor, using a VR headset to enjoy a fully compatible, lifelike casino experience. Much like live casinos online, this means that players can interact with dealers in real-time.

Features of Virtual Reality Casinos

The most obvious advantage of using VR is the ability to play real games in real-time with real people – but that isn’t where the perks end. On the contrary in fact, as in VR you can display and observe body gestures in a way that previously wouldn’t have been possible. The immersion has revolutionary potential too, with the ability for players to walk through casino game rooms as if you are in Las Vegas itself. With 3D game tables and realistic slot machines aplenty, the advantages to using VR in the years to come are numerous.

Can VR Gambling Work Long-Term?

On paper and in demonstrations, VR sounds like a very intriguing and profound development in online gambling. But there are still huge hurdles to be overcome before the technology is ubiquitous within the casino industry. We’ll most likely not see anything new regarding this from the most popular casinos, however, some smaller niched casinos might try to find their way into the market with some VR improvements.

Simply put, the innovation has to match people’s expectations; not an easy feat when expectations are sky-high. Virtual Reality has come a long way in a very short space of time, as the gaming world demonstrates. Graphical improvements are now happening at a remarkable rate, implementing VR into the casino world far more natural and seamless than it previously might have been.

Long-term, there is even potential for major land-based casinos to shut up shop and take their entire operation into cyberspace – as they would be able to offer everything as normal in VR…minus the food and drink. This end goal is still some way off, but smaller online platforms developing the technology in 2021 will take the industry a lot closer to that eventual target.

Where did it start?

From the moment online casinos were first conceived in the mid-1990s, innovators have been devising plans to try and enhance the emersion factor for players who gamble digitally. Using online casinos from home is an inherently lonely endeavour, especially when compared to the real-world experience. Here then, is where Live Dealer games come in. Just a few steps removed from VR, they gave players the illusion of interacting with a dealer online, much like you would in a real-world casino.

This has merely been a stepping-stone towards the next obvious progression: integrating VR technology into the online casino experience. In recent years, gaming developers have come up with a way to use Oculus Rift Virtual Reality goggles to play online casino games in VR. It’s a remarkable breakthrough, one that will surely be built upon by the most future-proof and daring sites in the industry.


As we have highlighted, Virtual Reality still has a long way to go before it can truly be integrated into online gambling. The early signs are very good, as the entire casino landscape is currently going through a renaissance period. Hopefully, 2021 can be the year where we see several entrepreneurial sites take a giant leap forward in terms of developing their own VR games and experiences. In 10 years, we may well be looking back on 2021 as the year online casinos were changed forever.

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I'm the leader of Techno FAQ. Also an engineering college student with immense interest in science and technology. Other interests include literature, coin collecting, gardening and photography. Always wish to live life like there's no tomorrow.

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