
Published on November 3rd, 2020 | by Sumit Bhowal


How to Crate Train a Chihuahua Puppy

Chihuahua puppies can surely brighten your home. These Dogs are fun, friendly, fun to play with, and full of life. Given all the nice and cute moments, Chihuahuas have with people, many view crate training their pup as cruel.

One of the major reasons is that crates are a form of prison, a torture chamber. Yet in reality, a crate provides a haven, a place for your adorable puppy to have some “me” time. Head to PetStruggles for a detailed overview, however, below are some of the benefits of crate training your Chihuahua puppy:

  • Better Vet Visits – once your puppy is crate trained. He won’t have any problem in case he will have to spend the night at the vets. Chances of him getting stressed and running are largely reduced
  • Damage prevention – Puppies are cute and all, but they can be destructive when not observed. Especially when they are home alone. Crate training will prevent such incidences as you can leave your pup in the crate with a toy to chew on
  • House training– puppies will avoid a soiled bed or dirty blankets like the plague. Crate training will help them learn bowel and bladder control. Some of the best Chihuahua crates even have a small place for your dog to poop.
  • Travel safely – when on the road, your Chihuahua pup is much safer when in a crate then when let loose. When they are loose, accidents can easily occur.
  • Moving out – if you have to vacate your home due to an emergency or any other reason, a crate-trained puppy will be easier to handle. He will have his own toys to play with, his blanket, with your scent on it. He will be comfortable, thus won’t experience undue stress.
  • House safety – when you are busy renovating or preparing supper for the family. Hence you cannot supervise your pup (they tend to be troublesome, by the way). You will have peace of mind knowing he is relaxing in his crate.
  • A safe space – a crate can act as your pup’s personal private space. A place he can relax when he feels tired or needs to spend time alone. The crate can be your pup’s gate away.

As you can see, crate training your Chihuahua pup is not bad, after all. Outlined in this article are two methods you can use to crate train your pup. Before we get into these methods, it’s critical you learned how to pick the best Chihuahua crate for your pup.

The type of crate you choose can make or break the deal .Choose a small crate, and your pup will feel confined. Your training will have failed before it even began. Pick a bigger crate, and he will use one end as his den and the other as his toilet. However, some crates have such provisions; it’s advisable to use one without until he gets used to it.

A perfect Chihuahua crate should have;

  • Treats – to get his attention
  • A puppy bed – a nice and comfy place for your pup to sleep on
  • Toys – to keep him occupied
  • Right size – you can measure him, then google the best chihuahua crates for his size.

As with any other form of training, you will need to be patient with your pup. Give him time to get used to the crate, and occasionally offer him treats and praise as a form of encouragement. The methods include;

1. The Adventure Method

Step i) Locate the Crate – You can begin by locating your Chihuahuas crate in low traffic, quiet spot. Try to ensure it has a blanket, a nice floor carpet, toys. The trick is to make the crate look appealing to the pup as much as possible.

Step ii) Meal Point – You now move his water and food dishes and place them right at the crate’s door. Let the pup wander in and out of its “den” freely. You can let this go on for about five days in a row. It will provide enough time for him to get to know the “den.”

Step iii) Locked – when next he wanders into the crate, close the door. Allow him to complain and fuss until he tires. Relax, it will not be long. When he quiets down, offer him a treat.

Step iv) Locked Freedom – once the treatment is over, open the door. Take him outside for him to pee. You will have also potty trained him.

Step v) Repeat – repetition is the key to mastery. Repeat the procedure as often as you are can. In no time, you will be able to comfortably leave your pup in his crate when going to work or doing other tasks.

2. The cozy Den Method

Step i) Location is Key – a pup would ordinarily build his den in a secluded, quiet location .you can use this to your advantage; find a good place for the crate. Be sure that the location allows him to see you, and you see him.

Step ii) Bring the Pup – slowly bring the pup and place him in the crate. Be gentle. Then close the door quietly.

Step iii) He puts up a fight – chances are your pup won’t like the crate at first, which is expected. He will be very vocal about it. Allow him to express his displeasure. Once he is done and settles, offer him a treat and plenty of praise.

Step iv) Out we go – let the pup out for him to pee, and play.

Step v) Increase time – try and crate train your pup daily. Increasing the time he spends in the crate. The increments should be small for him not to notice. After a short time, he will go in the crate on his own. Try not to rush him. You will need to be patient and consistent. To get results.

Contrary to popular belief, crate training your Chihuahua pup is fun and easy. All you need is the right Crate and patience. Remember never to use the crate as a form of punishment. Your pup will grow to hate it. Instead, make it seem a wonderful place for him to be, and he will love it.

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An Internet addict and a MASTAN , Also a lazy Freelancer . I don't try to reinvent the wheel I just like to soak things in Steroid's :p Thanks (y)

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