
Published on September 18th, 2020 | by Bibhuranjan


Parameters to Evaluate Test Case Management Tool

Test case management tools act as an important element for testers as it covers everything and anything. Testers use such tools for their day to day tasks and perform the set of activities such as.

  • Maintain reports with the release of the project
  • Maintain artifacts related to each test case
  • Prove traceability of test scripts
  • Support execution of tests
  • Generate report-graph for analysis
  • Identify and fix bugs/defects

The test case management tools are used to achieve several tasks and are designed in a way that various tasks are related to monitoring and report of tests, bug tracking, management of problems and incidents, scheduling of tests, and test ware management. These tools support both manual testing as well as automated testing and are also employed to handle multiple tasks and projects in one dashboard.

Selection Criteria for selecting the Test Management Tools:

There is a checklist that one needs to keep in mind to understand how the quality and efficacy of a test case management tool can be measured, and it will also help in choosing the best test management software from the market.


For successful completion of a project, communication is the key. Involving all stakeholders in every step during the development process, keeping the customers in the loop with any changes and modification of the software, and also dissemination all relevant information to all team members, are the major tasks achieved through proper communication.

Easy installation

People avoid adopting new tools for any software because somehow they are tired of the long and complex installation steps involved in it. So easy installation of a test management tool can be a plus point for persuading customers in getting your test management software. Try optimizing the installation steps and time for the clients and the team to increase the usability of the tools.


To understand the relationship between how and when specific test results are achieved, traceability is an important criterion in evaluating test management tools. This feature is very pertinent in management tools because it helps in keeping a check at every step of the process, as to when the issue was detected, how much of it is fixed, and what other tasks are still to be accomplished. To track the progress of all the requirements in the test case management tool, this feature needs to function smoothly and effectively.


To get better results and transparent working of software it is important that it also has a feature of integrating third parties at any point if needed. This feature adds to the quality of the test results because when a team works with a management tool that can integrate other tools, it not only saves time but also streamlines the work in one interface and dashboard.


The protection of data and information of users and the company is extremely significant in ensuring the quality of a tool. Therefore this feature is the dominant one because it not only encrypts the communication between the users and team but also secures the database of the customers.


Organizations always work with a budget they set for different projects and tasks. Therefore, whiles selecting a tool, the cost needs to be kept into consideration whether it is with the project budget or not. Investing in buying a management tool that is not cost-effective will never be a sensible decision. Opt for tools that have customized licensing policy which allows you to ay according to the feature and time duration you select for your project.

Other than these key features, there are a few things you need to look into before selecting a test case management tool. The following are a few mandatory factors to keep into consideration while making the selection:

  • Understand the needs of the project and does it co-related to the tool being selected or not.
  • Select an integrated tool, that can be compatible in serving all your needs rather than a single tool.
  • Check the availability of all basic features, whether they are being offered in the tool or not.
  • Establishes a connection between functional requirements and test cases.
  • Access on mobile platforms or other devices
  • Adapts different development methods.
  • Supports reporting


Never select any new tool or software without knowing what you need. You should be clear about your requirements, and choose an open-source tool that supports your project needs and also is under your set budget. The detailed criteria shared above will facilitate you in making the right choice without compromising the quality and productivity of your project.

Photo by ThisisEngineering RAEng on Unsplash

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Editorial Officer, I'm an avid tech enthusiast at heart. I like to mug up on new and exciting developments on science and tech and have a deep love for PC gaming. Other hobbies include writing blog posts, music and DIY projects.

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