
Published on December 20th, 2019 | by Sunit Nandi


Why Google Analytics is a key tool in measuring your Ads performance

Many businesses often neglect Google Analytics without realizing that it’s a very important tool in digital marketing. It allows you to measure your ads performance of your individual campaign in real-time. You can also use it to compare the date to your previous records, check how your users are interacting, see the performance of your SEO, and know if your campaigns are effective and so much more. If you want to see how successful your website is, then you should be using Google Analytics.

Below are the reasons why Google Analytics should be your digital marketing tool.

How people find your website?

Right now, there are over one billion websites on the internet; it’s pretty overcrowded. Every website is aiming for attention, and your website is no different. Regardless of your product or service, your website should do its job in order for people to find it. If you are going through website improvements to reach your target audience, then you should hire sydney online marketing agency that is expert with Google analytics and help you with your online marketing approach.

Google Analytics is devoted to providing you with the details on how your visitors find your website, what driven them to clink on your links. It tracks how many people come from links shared on social media, links from other websites, from paid advertisements, from links on search results and from typing your website directly from search bars. The tool will show you which of your marketing efforts are working.

In addition to this, Google Analytics provides data on the people visiting your site, where they come from, their ages, gender, and what their online interests are. You can also see what browsers and devices they are using. In case your website performs differently on each device or browser, you will know on which browser or device your website provides a better experience. This way, you can improve your optimization for your visitors.

Which pages of your website are popular?

Some pages of your websites get more traffic than others. That’s given. You also have pages that give higher conversion compared to other pages. Google Analytics will help you in identifying which contents in your site that have a high ranking and getting a lot of shares which brings a significant amount of traffic. The tools can also help identify which page is converting your site visitors to customers or email subscriber. Having been able to identify which pages are doing well, you can figure out why they work. You can then develop a strategy moving forward to achieve more success.

Furthermore, the tool can also provide data on how many people leaving your site after only viewing one page. As much as possible, you should minimize this rate. Your site may contain more traffic but less conversion. This means that visitors are checking your site but are not able to find what they are looking for. Immediate action is required to help you find the reason why this is happening. Some reasons may include your site is not attractive enough for visitors to check on your products or your website is not properly optimized for better user experience. Google Analytics can provide a detailed report about this that will help you solutions to reduce your bounce rate.

Understand the social platforms to target

Social Media is one of the most effective ways to drive lots of traffic and convert visitors to customer. Through Google Analytics, you can view what catches the attention of your users so you can place your ad in accordance with what mostly works for your audience. This will help you decide on which platform you should maximize your budget. For example, if you can see that there is a large amount of customer engagement in your Facebook ad and less traffic generated from your Twitter, then based on this data, you can allocate more budget for Facebook than Twitter to gain more customers.

With Google Analytics, you can measure the performance of the ads in all your social media accounts. You can also monitor how much conversion each social media platform is conveying, how low or high the traffic you’re getting from social referrals, and how many people are talking about your ad. With this tool, you’ll be able to improve you social ad to be more engaging and reach your targeted audience.

Google Analytics is, therefore, vital in building your business. Without it, you won’t know what’s working for your site and what’s not. It’s like running in the dark; it’s challenging. Google Analytics helps you track many essential metrics that cover your business. You can gauge on how effective your online marketing efforts, the contents posted in your site, the functionality of your website on different devices and user experience. All reports provided will show you what’s working effectively and most especially, what’s not working well. Identifying issues that your website is facing will help you come up with solutions and improvised on your strategies. Google Analytics gives you the information you need and enables you to make your website be the best.

There are lots of other reasons that make Google Analytics the best tool for digital marketing. The good thing about it is it remains free and easy to navigate that will surely help you manage the performance of the ads of your website.

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I'm the leader of Techno FAQ. Also an engineering college student with immense interest in science and technology. Other interests include literature, coin collecting, gardening and photography. Always wish to live life like there's no tomorrow.

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