What should you know about the AWS solution architect certification
AWS is an abbreviation used for Amazon Web Services, and it is commonly known as one of the most popular IaaS providers across the globe. AWS solutions architect is a certified profile for individuals planning to take up the profile of a solutions architect.
If you are planning to take up this certification course, there are some prerequisites that you need to make a note of. In addition to the basic qualification requirements to some complex aspects of the program, check out all the details below.
Benefits of AWS Solutions architect program
In comparison to the other programs, these AWS programs are not just aggressive in nature, but also offer a future sighted and innovative offering for the prospective learners. The AWS Solution Architect Certification program offers the following benefits:
- Improves the chances of getting better job opportunities
- Gives theoretical expertise on the scalable distributed systems
- Enhances designing capabilities
- Grants capabilities to design & deploy a variety of applications based on AWS
It is important to understand that AWS solutions architect certification is not meant for novices or freshers who are just getting started with their careers. Ideally, you should opt for this program only if you have some professional experience in general development and architecture designing.It is also advisable to work with AWS for some time before signing up for these programs.
However, if you fulfil the following eligibility criteria, you can get started:
- General knowledge of the Amazon Web Services
- A couple of years experience in using the AWS
- Basic conceptual understanding of AWS, DR, HA & other security requirements
What should you study
In order to obtain the AWS solutions architect certification, you should divide your preparations into various parts. Firstly, you should start grasping some knowledge about concepts such as RDS, storage & scaling services, Amazon EC2, VPC networking & routing, etc.
Once this is done, the second step would be to gain knowledge about Cloudformation, Route 53, ElasticBeanStalk, etc. If you have the basic knowledge about what these concepts are and how and when they are to be used, you are good to get started.
One important thing that a lot of aspirants miss on is reading through the innumerable AWS whitepapers available online. Although you can sign up for a professional program where they teach you everything theoretically as well as in practice, it is important to understand that the more you read, the more familiarity you will have with the AWS concepts.
General Tips
A major mistake most of the aspirants make is to look for sample question papers online and get well versed with them. However, you should know that as per the AWS confidentiality agreement, the questions cannot be leaked online. So even if you reach any such link, following it blindly would be a mistake.
Finally, spend some time understanding the exam structure of the AWS solutions architect certification. Once you develop confidence in how it would look for you, it wouldn’t be that a difficult exam to crack. All the best.