Advantages of Digiscoping
Digiscoping is set to be huge in the coming year. Everyone who ever tried photography, or who fancies themselves as a bit of an expert Instagrammer, needs to learn all about digiscoping to use it to their full advantage. But what is it and what are the benefits to you? Read on to find out what the advantage of digiscoping really is… or at least to find out a bit more about this fascinating photography subject.
Digiscoping for Photography
Ready for a super close-up? Digiscoping is the process of attaching a magnifying scope to your camera using digiscoping adapters. This allows you to take an extreme close-up of anything you like. Ever wanted to see the expression on an ant’s face? Digicsope it. Want to take high definition, high resolution, intricately detailed shots of crystal formations? Digicsope it. Want to see things on a cellular level – but then capture it for the world? You guessed it, get the Digiscope out.
Once you have tried this exciting new way to see the world you will become instantly fascinated. There is something truly wonderful about being microscopic. If you’ve already caught the bug then we share your longing. If not? Then let’s start talking benefits.
What are the Advantages of Digiscoping?
So why would you want to go to the effort of digiscoping? Some of the reasons include:
- Scientists are able to pick out individual, tiny structures to provide evidence of their work. Geologists can pick out individual crystals from larger masses. This scientific ability to pick out individual masses and capture them in still images is something the world has been working towards for literally years. Why? Advancement of the species and greater understanding of life.
- Bird watchers can use them to get close up shots from far away, as can other nature photographers. Digiscoping provides us with shots from the natural world that we might never otherwise see.
- Digiscoping can also be used to retrieve images from dangerous areas, or from places humans simply cannot reach.[1]
- You get the benefit of binoculars without having to align your camera focus with that of actual binoculars. Anyone who has ever tried this knows it is nearly impossible.
- Done properly with the appropriate tripod, digiscoping negates the trembling associated with a close-up or zoomed in shot.
- You can do it with your smart phone camera, if it is strong enough. Just make sure your adapter is detachable!
- You can even buy universal adapters. Similarly to a universal remote control, they will fit any camera to any scope – it’s just as simple as that!
Digiscoping has many Benefits!
We predict that it is going to hit Instagram this year, with numerous influencers catching on to the potential of this unique photographic style. From the digiscoping novice to the dab hand; get your cameras out and your scopes ready. There is a whole world out there desperate to be captured. Try to single out a snowflake or get a close up of a grain of sand. If you want to get better likes, start a really fascinating Facebook page, or simply use your new digiscope for birding… this is the year. Go out there and attack it!
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