5 Reasons To Choose Online Courses For Skill Development
These days, higher education system faces a lot of difficulties.
First of all, the prices for college increase at least eight times faster than wages in the United States. Needless to say, not every middle-class family can afford college tuition nowadays.
Secondly, a college degree can’t always guarantee you will find an entry-level job. Even giants such as Google, Netflix, and Apple don’t require candidates to have degrees. It may even become an industry norm in the nearest future. Modern employees value practical knowledge and work experience (which is something that students usually lack).
To combine studying and working full-time, more and more young people decide to take University courses online. According to James Cook University Online, more than six million Millennials in the United States take university courses online. That’s what drives them to choose online education:
Time Investment
Time has always been a valuable resource. Not every professor knows about it, though. How much time do we spend waiting for tutors? How much time do we waste on commutes?
Also, no professor will ever ask you what time fits you best. Young people who want to take control of their time prefer online education.
Variety of courses
At this point, you can earn every academic degree online (including doctorate!). No matter what you study, you can take any course you want. Even Harvard University offers free classes in medicine, data science, history, programming, data analysis, and risk management.
If you take different courses online, you will be able to add your certificates to LinkedIn profile. It will help you to show your potential employer that you are a fast learner who is not afraid of new challenges.
Career advancement
These days, a lot of employers don’t want to give a chance to graduates without at least a year of relevant work experience.
That’s why here and there we hear about students doing unpaid internships. Indeed, every internship (even unpaid one) gives a chance to learn professional standards, build great work relationships and jump-start their CVs. This is possible not only for students or new graduates but also for those who have been practicing their careers for the last couple of years. For instance, there are plenty of online courses for teachers designed to improve their performance and adapt to new trends and technologies.
On the other hand, not everyone can keep asking their parents to pay for rent and groceries. Let’s admit it, a graduate wants to be able to support themselves financially (especially after spending thousands of dollars for higher education).
Online students can combine an internship or entry-level job with studies. By doing so, they have a chance to grow professionally pretty fast.
Needless to say, working and pursuing academic credentials at the same time is a real challenge. Nonetheless, it becomes possible when you build your studying schedule on your own. So, don’t be afraid to take on the challenge, and you will see the results quite fast!
Online education gives a lot of opportunities. Most classes are available online twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week. You can learn any time you want from any place. It allows you to travel the world while studying and combine your classes with a full-time job.
All you need is to have a WiFi connection, a laptop, and a pair of headphones.
The best thing is that online students don’t need to move to another city in order to attend their classes. They can study literally from anywhere in the world.
It’s difficult to find a person who doesn’t have a student loan these days. Some people need years to pay off the debt. If you don’t want to fall into the same trap, online education would be the right option for you.
There is no need to pay extra for professors’ time and printing materials in case you study online.
If you take a course on the Internet, you just need to make a single payment.
The bottom line
These days, you can easily pursue higher education while sitting at home with your laptop. Online learning has become increasingly popular among Millennials. According to the latest statistics, around six million people in the United States take courses on the Internet.
Online students can learn from any place any time they want. Moreover, they pay significantly less for their education compared to those who study in traditional schools.
Also, online students can combine classes with working. Hence, they increase their chances for better career possibilities in the future.