6 Ways To Ensure That Your Website Stays Immortal
Today, when everyone has access to the internet, you can easily establish your virtual presence with websites. The concerning part is, with an increment in the number of websites, the probability of your website getting hacked also increases. So, this demands security, and it is not just a one-step procedure. It is a series of steps that you must follow.
It is not always necessary that a website is hacked to steal its data, sometimes it is also a conspiracy to frame you in illegal matters. You must be thinking that your website has nothing that would interest hackers, so there are negligible chances of your website getting hacked. But the truth is, it is actually these small websites that suffer more. Securing your website does not eliminate risk. But it definitely reduces the risk. The cost of getting your website hacked is much more than money and it is in the non-monetary terms that impact you the most.
6 ways to keep your website secure
Keep updating your software
As soon as security loopholes are detected in your software, the hacker makes a quick attempt to misuse it. Third-Party softwares like CMS or forum are very vulnerable and operate on an easily accessible code for malicious hackers. If you don’t want to lose out on all the exclusive information on your website, always keep your software updated with the recent versions. A reputable penetration testing company UK can provide you the necessary protection from cyber attacks.
Use parameterized query to counter XSS and SQL injection attacks
XSS (cross-site scripting) attacks inject malicious JavaScripts into your web pages and it so happens that while you are browsing the page, it changes the page content and sends it to the attacker or the hacker. It also steals your login cookie and the hacker gets access to your account.
SQL injection attacks are made when the hacker uses a web form or field to attack and gain access to your account, to manipulate your database. Most web pages have a feature of parameterized queries that is easy to implement and can prevent the hacker from getting access to your data and delete it. You just need to supply the parameters which will then provide the think variables that need to be inserted into the statement for its execution.
HTTPS is Hyper Text Transmission Protocol System that provides security over the internet, guaranteeing you that you are talking to the server you want to and no one will intercept or change your content. It is always advisable to deliver all the information that you want, using HTTPS, which mainly includes the information related to credit cards and login pages. A login form requesting the necessary data will be sent to you authenticating your requests.
Strengthen your password
We have always been told to use, strong and complex passwords for our server and website admin areas, most of us don’t do it (especially for easy remembrance!). You might not like this concept but if you closely follow all terms and conditions while you set your passwords, it will keep your website less prone to hacker and malware attacks. Passwords set using hashing algorithm are not easily decrypted which in turn decreases the chances of your information to get stolen.
Use website security tools
After securing your website it is necessary to test its security which is done through website security tools also known as penetration testing. There are various commercial and free products available online that help in testing SQL injection and XSS. OpenVas is the most advanced security scanner. SecurityHeaders.io quickly checks and reports which domain is enabled and correctly configured. These security tools will keep your information safe from the attackers.
Keep a track of your website
As already mentioned, just securing your website will not completely eliminate the risk, it just reduces it. There are many kinds of attacks which can’t be generalized. So, to reduce the risk to the minimum possible extent, you must keep a track of your website, it’s functioning and especially its operations.
‘Stillio’ is a great tool to help you keep a track of your web page. What it does is, it automatically takes screenshots of your website at regular intervals without any human operation. Automated screenshots at regular intervals, will help you manage your brand, tracking competitors and SEO ranking, verifying ads, monitoring website compliance, tracking trends and above all prove to be a solid proof in times of need.