Stages Of Mobile App Before It Goes Into Actual Development
App development is not a nuance, majority of the businesses have already had their apps in the Google Play Store and Apple App Stores. Well, there are businesses yet to understand this trend and have their own app in the stores. The real question here is that, would the app really make any difference in the business? With already a plethora of apps existent in the stores, what difference would your app make?
The answer is yes it would make an impact and a positive one to be very precise. An enterprise app would make the task performance and management very easy for the employees as well as the superiors. The process would be flexible and manageable with an enterprise app. Even if it is a customer-centric app and not an enterprise app, it will make a difference in your business. Getting a digital presence creates trust and loyalty in the customers about the business.
However, app development is a lengthy, complex, and costly process. Before hiring a mobile app development company and deploying your dream it’s very important to check the feasibility of the idea. There are various factors to be considered about the idea, make some changes, check the practicality, and then take the final steps towards development.
If you are the one with a bright idea but not so sure whether to work on the idea or not, we can help you with that. Here are the stages of the mobile app before taking it to the actual development.
1. Rigorous Research
Whether successful or unsuccessful app starts with a good idea. The difference lies in the research and the execution of the idea. This is why before you start your app, invest an ample amount of time in refining your idea. We all have heard big dreams are achieved with big ideas, let me give you a rude awakening. “Even the most creative and innovative ideas having the potential to become the top app fails.” Only and only rigorous research will help you know whether the idea is worth following or not.
During the course of the research, check the agenda of your app, also make a competitor analysis, define the USP of your app, calculate the time and money to be invested in the app, and how can you generate revenue from the same. Know these things before plunging into the development.
2. Mental Prototyping
If the research process proves to be a success and after weighing all the pros and cons, you feel like this can work out the next step is mental prototyping. We tend to forget things very easily and that is why mental prototyping is essential. Put out the ideas of your mind on the paper or a sketch or a whiteboard. Getting the visual of the ideas will help you find the initial stage issues and come up with a solution.
Also, don’t be overconfident and think you know it all. Once you have integrated your mental prototype on paper, take suggestions from friends and family. It’s better to take an outsider opinion on your thoughts. This way you won’t be stuck with a problem right at the inception of your mobile app development.
3. Check The Technical Aspects
There are certain things in your head which are technically not possible to implement. Before jumping into the development phase, it is better to evaluate the practicality of your imagination. Consult the developers and get your mobile app development idea checked. Also, pick the platform on which you want to launch your mobile app. You can know and frame the technical plans and marketing strategies based on the Android or iOS platform.
4. Wireframe Your Idea
Once you have found all the pieces of your project, it’s time to fit them all together in a wireframe. A wireframe is like a prototype. It will give you the basic idea of how exactly will your app look, or what will be the flow of the app, whether it is user-friendly, or what will be the feel of the app. It’s better to figure this pre-hand and then move on with the development.
Developing an app is time-consuming and complex as well. Post-development if you don’t like how the app looks and feel, it would extremely difficult to change it from the start. Also, it would be a huge addition to the cost. Having a wireframe would also assist in gathering the funding. It’s not just an idea or imagination, you have a prototype to present and not just words.
Well, these are the four most important things to do before you invest or waste into the development of the app. By the end of this process, you will know whether you are moving forward to success or just chasing a fantasy. If you are affirmative about the idea, the next step would be to hire a reliable mobile app development company. Here are some of the tactics to choose the right partner.
5. Team Size
When you hand over your dream into someone’s hand, you have to interview the team. You can’t allot your project to a company who has a small team, plenty of work and has to outsource your work to someone else. Make sure there is a proper and experienced team of designers, developers, testers, and project managers. Another thing to look out in a team is the level of experience. You can consult with the company and interview the team yourself working on your app.
6. Versatility of Work
You will check whether the company has developed apps in the category you are looking for. If yes, its a green signal. If not, check what other categories of apps have the company developed and if they are good, you can easily hand over your project to them.
7. Client References
Before we hire plumber or carpenter, we ask people about their work. So, this is one of the biggest decisions of your career. Don’t forget to check for the client references of the company. Ask the past clients about the quality output, timeline of the project, and support from the team. Hire them only if you are satisfied with their answers.
8. Maintenance
App development is not a one-time thing. Even after launching the app in the app stores, there is still a lot more to do. There will be some fixes, some changes, some updates, and app development company must be supportive of this phase of the project.
Think, share, evaluate, and analyze your idea. This will bring you a lot closer to success. Look at every facet of the mobile app idea, weight the pros and cons, define every possible scenario and solutions to overcome each one them. Plan before you act and increase the probability of application ranking at the top on the app store.