How to increase the sales of your e-commerce and boost your brand?
Do you have an ecommerce and you cannot sell everything you would like? It is possible that this situation is familiar to you. If you just nod, this post is for you!
As you well know, the primary objective of any online store is to increase sales and, for this, it is necessary to implement a 360 marketing plan that helps boost the online store. However, we can find ourselves in different situations that make us not achieve the expected results.
And is that, for many marketing actions that you carry out (such as social networks, ads, content marketing, etc.), you may have a basic error: do not convert these visits into sales. Faced with this is normal to ask what to do to increase the sales of your ecommerce.
In this article we propose the solution. Let’s see what those situations are, in what we should focus on each of them to solve it and, thus, see an increase in sales as a result. Keep reading!
Increase sales of your ecommerce: at what stage is the problem?
Before entering more into matter, the first step that must be carried out is to identify in which phase of the process it is in which we have to put the focus, since it is making us lose opportunities. In inbound marketing we like to talk about the 4 phases that all strategy has. These are:
- Attraction: is the first of the phases and focuses on getting qualified visits to your website.
- Conversion: as its own name indicates, in this phase of the process the conversion of a lead to a client is worked through techniques of marketing automation and lead nurturing.
- Closing: once the lead nurturing actions bear fruit, we reach the closing phase, in which the lead definitely becomes a client.
- Loyalty: when we already have a client, this does not have to end. Think of all the effort you have made so that a visit to your website becomes a client. As you can see, it’s a lot, so you should continue to maintain contact with the client in order to build loyalty.
The majority of current marketing techniques focus on the phases of attraction and closure to the client, but leave the forgotten ones of conversion to registration and loyalty. Considering this, there are two fundamental problems, and very different from each other, in which you may be falling:
- Problem in the closing phase → the website receives many visits but does not become clients.
- Problem in the attraction phase → little traffic and few customers, an unknown page that does not receive enough visits and therefore is not reaching potential customers
Of these two problems, in this article we are going to focus on the first situation so that visitors can become customers. Do you dare to put it into practice?
If your case is the second, do not worry. What you have to do in this case is to make your company more known. How? Through a content marketing strategy , presence in social networks , online advertising , promotion in events , optimizing your page , etc.
How to transform traffic into potential customers?
Let’s go back to the topic that concerns us! The conversion of visits into registries is important to be able to retain them and that they become part of your database. Although at this time are visitors who are not prepared for the purchase, in the future, yes, and more if we continue to contact them by sending them valuable content.
The main problem in this case is that we are not holding those visits. A user comes to our ecommerce, reviews what is in it and leaves, so if you do not convert the customer through a purchase we lose it and do not know about it again. How to retain it?
- Lead scoring and lead nurturing. Once we have the customer data comes into play the lead scoring and lead nurturing.
- The lead scoring aims to segment the database either. As you know, not all leads are the same or feel the same in front of the company. That is why it is important to classify them so that subsequent phases are more successful. A good way to classify is to see at what stage of the buying process is your lead, so you can know what actions to do about it at any time.
- Lead nurturing: once we have the database well segmented, it’s time to start using lead nurturing, a technique whose goal is to help the lead to move forward through the purchase phase. To do this, email chains are made focused on solving the pain of our buyer, who are very personalized according to the moment of the purchase process in which they are located. Thanks to this we can make the leads go forward in the funnel of the purchase process and, therefore, end up becoming customers.
Both lead scoring and lead nurturing are two techniques that will help to boost your database and reactivate it so that you can use it correctly. In addition, we are confident that these actions will improve engagement with your audience and, of course, increase your number of clients!
More options to transform leads into customers
While it is true that these techniques that we have just told you will help you improve your conversion rate and thus increase the sales of your ecommerce, there are other options that you cannot ignore, as they will provide a bonus to your visitors and future Clients will know how to value. Take note!
Review the flow of user behavior and browsing experience on the page
Do you know how the user feels when entering your website? You think that the navigation is simple and intuitive, but it does not have to be that way for the user. Website visitors increasingly value clarity and ease of navigation so that they find it easy to find what they need, and, in the case of ecommerce, even more.
Online shopping is an increasingly widespread action, so users begin to internalize that the vast majority of websites have the same structure to make the purchase. Does your website meet these basic requirements for the visitor?
To answer this question, you must study what the user does within the web: where you enter, where you navigate and where you are going, in this way you will find the weak points of your ecommerce and you can improve them in order to retain more visits and make them convert. Keep that in mind!
Check the page speed and load times of your page
The speed of loading in an e-commerce can mark a turning point between making a purchase or not. Web users are becoming more impatient and want to surf the internet and find what they need in the blink of an eye, so a second more can become a very high waiting time that some users are not willing to wait.
Therefore, check your upload speed in this link. Here, Google will give you the specific points to improve your website to reduce loading time. Some actions can be: optimize images, reduce the weight of elements, have an effective cache policy, etc. Follow the steps that indicate and thus improve the speed of your site.
Improve the copies and images of the products
In an ecommerce the descriptions acquire great relevance. That is why we recommend working with appropriate keywords, make concise but complete descriptions and, of course, use bullet points, bold and hierarchies in the texts that facilitate reading.
Focus landing
If you think of a landing you will see that it is focused on the purchase. Do the same in your ecommerce! Getting it is not so complicated: it avoids distractions to users and avoids saturating irrelevant information to visitors. In this case, your maxims should be professionalism and the quality of the product or service.
Responsive design
This, which is the daily bread on the internet, it seems that not everyone is clear. The web traffic from mobile devices is growing year after year, so not having your web adapted to all the devices will be helping you to lose sales.
SSL certificate
It is very important to transmit trust in the internet, and even more in the case of ecommerce. Make sure that your website meets all the necessary requirements to transmit trust and, of course, make sure to install the SSL certificate correctly.
Simplify the registration process
When it comes to registering users, avoid asking for unnecessary data. Users are reluctant to give more information than necessary to any company that asks for it.
So, start with the basics (name, surname and email address could be enough to start) and as the situation becomes more established you can get to know the user more thoroughly and ask for more information about him.
Highlights the star products
Do you have a star product? Unleash it! Let users know your strong point and make it a hook to attract more visitors.
Cross-sell and upsell
Cross-selling and upsell are two techniques that work very well in ecommerce to improve the purchasing ratio and increase the shopping cart for each client.
Cross-selling is a technique that focuses on recommending complementary products to the one you have already decided to buy. Think about what your customers usually buy together or assess what might be useful for their needs. This is very common to see in ecommerce clothing stores because, when you buy a pair of pants, for example, they give you recommendations on bags, shoes, shirts and accessories that could go well with your main purchase.
Facilitate payment
One of the points that is most valued in an ecommerce is the ease of payment. Whenever you can, put several forms of payment (cash, cash on delivery, card, PayPal …). The greater the range of possibilities, the less excuses the user will find for not making the purchase.
But not only have to take into account the form of payment, since the form that is completed to place the order also plays an important role. Long and cumbersome forms can put a brake on the purchase. As I said before, ask for the necessary data and, later on, you will complete the client’s profile.
Return of the shipment
Another point where the user of an ecommerce pays attention is in the return of the order. Explain this point well and make it easy to access it, as this generates a lot of confidence to the user.
Fosters the testimonials, reviews and opinions of other buyers
Seeing other users have obtained a satisfactory experience on your website helps humanize the site and, of course, increase user confidence. Power this type of interventions!
Good customer service throughout the purchase process
Whether through chat, email or by phone, the user must always have a means of contact visible to be able to consult in case of a doubt. Remember it!
Customer loyalty already achieved
For this, the first thing is to have identified the usual customers. Once you have defined them, the ideal is to make special offers, notify the launch of new products and make personalized communications, so that we make the customer a participant in the company and can strengthen the ties with him.
In short, if you want to improve the conversion on your page and thus increase the database and the purchase rate of your ecommerce, it is important that you work on these four points:
- Work your current database with highly customized content for the different buyer person identifying their pains.
- Create custom lead nurturing chains to provide quality content that will move them forward in the purchase process.
- Never leave the database cold.
- And, finally, always keep in mind the importance of implementing a global strategy in which all the efforts and concrete actions of all the departments are aligned.
I am convinced that with all these tips you will be able to increase the sales of your ecommerce. Can you tell me?
Author Bio:
I am Arslan Riaz, founder of, an expert writer and blogger and have more than 4 years experience with animation. I also write for androidguys, theultralinx and webdesign.