Top 7 Educational Apps for High School Students
They say that smartphones usually distract students and prevent them from focusing on their studies. This is only partially true. Your cell phone is a powerful tool that can either make you procrastinate more or increase your academic performance exponentially. The result of using your gadget depends on what applications you install and how you use them.
Today, we will talk about 7 great applications you can install on your smartphone and thus improve your academic performance.

The first one on our list is Prezi — a simple application that provides you with all the essential tools to present your scientific work in a nutshell. Despite looking similar to PowerPoint, Prezi has more templates, thus allowing its users to customize their slides. For example, you can create an interactive map of your pictures or construct a cause-and-effect diagram for your term paper. Users can choose from the web, desktop, and mobile versions, all of which can be synchronized through the Internet. That way you can create, edit, and show your presentations wherever you are!
“Harvard Researchers find Prezi more engaging, persuasive, and effective than PowerPoint,” says HuffPost. The main advantage of this app is that it allows students to create presentations on the spot. Usually, they forget to prepare them in advance because they can’t afford expensive Microsoft software, procrastinate, or simply lack time. Prezi is a fast, lightweight, and, most importantly, free solution for students.
One of the most effective educational apps for high school students is Forest. It is a new application that helps students fight procrastination. The idea behind it is pretty simple, but it helps students stay motivated and increase their academic performance.
According to the Pomodoro Technique (a time management theory), people are more productive if they allocate 25 minutes to each of their daily tasks. Forest is created with exactly this idea in mind. You set the timer, and the application blocks all of your phone’s functions for the specified duration. Moreover, a small tree appears on the screen, and the more time passes, the bigger the tree gets. Of course, you can stop the timer, but in this case, your tree will die. The idea is to grow a forest of completed tasks without killing any saplings. Can you be an effective gardener?
Most of us say, “I want to download an application that will answer my questions in a matter of seconds.” Meet Socratic — the best homework app that allows you to take a photo of a History question, math equation, or chemical formula and get an instant solution.
The best thing about the app is that it is ridiculously simple to use — you should only take a photo of the problem and let the program find a solution. However, there’s a catch – Socratic deals only with problems that can be solved in one way (e.g., that are not creative). In other words, it cannot compose an essay or term paper for you. For this purpose, you should try a more powerful platform —
Coursera app is a web wrapper for an identically named education service. It is a great portal for students of all study fields. Coursera offers dozens of free courses with detailed video tutorials for people of all ages. With the help of this app, you can easily learn, for instance, Java programming, while traveling to school by bus.
What makes Coursera more effective is a possibility for users to interact within the platform. Thus, you can evaluate each other’s performance and provide some valuable feedback. Sharing is caring — you will receive special bonuses if you help other students succeed! And finally, it is totally free. Combine Coursera with a procrastination-fighting app and improve your skills dramatically!
Learning a new language might not be an easy thing to do, especially if you are not living in the language environment. Learning new words can be quite challenging unless you use the Memrise app. It makes the learning process much simpler by creating lists of new words and drilling you in phrases and idioms every day.
Forget about flashcards — Memrise will not only teach you new words but also check your progress daily. Of course, it provides its users with theoretical knowledge that should be implemented practically in order to polish your pronunciation and accent. However, according to, Memrise app is one of the most effective tools to learn a new language remotely without having to spend any money.
Todait is a leader among time management applications. The app has an outstanding approach to planning a schedule — it sorts out the subjects according to their importance to you and calculates the time you should allocate for each of the goals you set. Todait helps you control your plans by establishing a detailed schedule of your routine and improving your organization skills.
The application also gives you weekly statistics, thus keeping your motivation fire burning. You can track your progress and correct the time you spent on every single subject. What is more, it notifies you before scheduled events in advance, so you will not miss any important meetings or lectures.
The majority of students need money for their monthly expenditures, college fees, and partying. We are not an exception — each of us has at least once searched for an additional money source in order to minimize money outflow. Download Scholly — a free education app that gives you a chance to make money. Do you think you deserve a scholarship? Scholly team does, too.
The application asks you to input your biographic information, achievements, and academic results. Based on this data, it gives you a list of scholarships you can apply for. The app also can update the list of opportunities daily or weekly — depending on your preferences. You can unleash its full potential for a small fee of 3$, which is really a small price for such great functionality!