
Published on October 22nd, 2018 | by Diogo Costa


Blockchain Technology has Reached VOCO’s Chat Platform

VOCO’s Chat platform is a breath of fresh air in the marketing industry, as it uses “word of mouth” to improve customer interactions. Put simply, it automatically communicates with customers after they interact with a business, for example after a purchase.

Now, they have boosted the service with another useful feature: the adoption of the blockchain technology, with its own custom cryptocurrency token. VOCT, as it is called, is currently valued at $0.20 and is designed to be used within the platform, specifically as a reward for certain actions carried out by the users.

These actions include promoting a product, a service, or a vendor, while rewards can also take the form of a discount while buying a specific product or service. The token can be bought, shared and used by any business inside the platform, in order to make sure that the customer participation is greater and more effective.

VOCO Chat is a chat application developed to help businesses to boost their activity by promoting customer engagement. This is done by presenting users with a chat conversation, after they take an action such as a phone call to a business, a click on an ad, after they made a purchase, and others.

The functionality of this platform can be put to use in other aspects, such as referring customers to business partners which, being a two-way affair, will benefit everyone. Another interesting feature of VOCO Chat is the ability for users to easily share content about that business on their social networks, right from the chat conversation, which is useful to increase the reach of any business.

Because ads usually do not cut it with most people, this platform works on a level that makes it really effective and trustworthy for all users – given that the recommendations come from their friends, family and colleagues, people will be more inclined to check out a certain promotion, offer or product, which greatly helps to explain VOCO’s success.

With the addition of VOCT, its own custom cryptocurrency token, VOCO will surely revamp the Chat platform even further, by increasing the will of people to collaborate and be a part of this entire process – all in a transparent and reliable way, as usual with the blockchain technology.

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About the Author

Programmer, writer, tech guy, musician and photographer. Only the first is for real, though.

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