InstaCarro, the Brazilian Startup That Makes Car Buying and Selling Easy
In recent years, many startups absolutely revolutionized some markets. Two examples are Uber, which brought a revolution in the way we move around cities, and Airbnb, which brought a new paradigm to the housing market. However, there are certain areas where things are still done pretty much the same way as in recent years.
Selling cars, for example, is something that has yet to be revolutionized. Other than ordinary websites where you can list cars for sale, there is nothing that can be truly considered revolutionary. But this is about to be about to changed as InstaCarro, a Brazilian startup racking millions in investment, is making the activity of selling and buying cars in Brazil really easy.
Quite often, obstacles arise when buying and selling a car, especially when the vehicle is used, or when trading is done informally. One of the major challenges is coming up with a fair price for both parties of the deal, something that InstaCarro helps with in a new and innovative way.
The price of a car can vary a lot due to many reasons but, to ease price fluctuation and speed up the process, InstaCarro guides itself by a technical evaluation of the vehicles, to find the fair price for those who sell and who to buy. The evaluation takes about 30 minutes and is performed by certified technicians, who use an application developed by InstaCarro.
That app guides the parts of the vehicle that need to be examined, such as bodywork, engine and safety items. The app can also store photos of the car and, after the evaluation, all the information is used to generate an advertisement on the InstaCarro online platform.
InstaCarro is a good option for those looking for transparency and speed in the procedure. In just 90 minutes, sellers can have their car exposed to a resale market, where shopkeepers make the offers for your vehicle. The benefits of the platform cover the needs of those who need to sell the vehicle and, at the same time, is also excellent for the shopkeepers who accompany the options in real time.
Given that InstaCarro reviews all the cars that eventually end up in its platform, the process of negotiating and buying/selling a car becomes really transparent and almost fraud-free, which is a real plague in this business. In addition, it is free to use for sellers – money comes from a monthly charge imposed on shopkeepers who buy vehicles.