Facts you didn’t know about SEO [Infographic]
SEO is a widely vehiculated concept, yet some of us can’t wrap their brains around it completely. SEO is a complex process that involves a lot of other small processes and procedures, in order to establish whether a website is suitable enough to make it to the top results of search engines.
The need of SEO evaluation has arisen at the same time websites had started being more popular. As they became accessible to everyone, regardless of their knowledge and skills, their quality drastically declined. But, to keep visitors engaged and content with their online surfing, the search engines started to discern between the sites, separating the ones that don’t deliver what customers are asking for from those who do.
Simply put, SEO is the quality control of a website, the tool that can get you more visitors if you use it right, or draw them away if you don’t comply with the policy.
One of the biggest advantages and the most invaluable one is that SEO brings you more organic traffic. It’s like mix and match – your audience has a need that the search engine matches with the offer you display on your website. This can give a real boost to your business, as it will lead to a conversion rate growth.
After all, it’s better to have 7 customers out of 10 visitors than to have 100 visitors and no customers. And that is what happens when you use White Hat practices and build your website around the needs of your audience.
Pro Advice: One of the dire needs of people worldwide is mobile-friendly websites. Most of Google searches are performed via a mobile device. If your content doesn’t suit the device’s display or the website loads too slowly, in most of the cases that visitor won’t return for a second visit.
For more tips on how to improve your SEO score, read the infographic created by SEOJury and start applying these tips today!